Anne Arundel County Department Of Social Services Seeking Donors For 38th Annual Holiday Sharing Program


There is an urgent need for additional donors for Anne Arundel County’s 2018 Holiday Sharing Program, which matches low-income families and senior citizens with donors willing to help. Donors purchase and personally deliver a holiday meal and/or gifts to an eligible family or senior in need before Christmas. More than 2,000 families are currently waiting for a donor match for a holiday meal.

This is the 38th year that the Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services has operated the Holiday Sharing Program. Individuals, churches, neighborhood or school groups and businesses can register to become donors online by visiting and clicking the link under “In The Spotlight.”

“We are thankful that almost all of our families with small children we serve have been matched for Christmas toys. But we still have an urgent need for donors who would like to provide a holiday meal for our families and seniors in need,” said DSS spokesperson Brian Schleter.

Last year, with the community’s support, more than 5,000 low-income families and seniors throughout the county received food and or gifts for the holidays. Each year, the Department works with more than 40 community partners who are also helping families and/or seniors for the holidays and who help us avoid duplication of services across the county.

The Department is currently matching donors and families/seniors for Christmas. To request a paper donor application by mail, or for other questions or concerns, email, or call 410-269-4462.