BALTIMORE — “Two Minutes to Midnight: What We Can Do to Prevent Nuclear War” is the theme of a conference scheduled for Saturday, November 17, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Goucher College in Baltimore.
Sponsored by more than 25 Maryland organizations, the conference brings together activists, students, experts and other citizens to examine how Marylanders can work collaboratively to reduce the threat of nuclear war and divert the resources spent on nuclear weapons to programs that support critical human needs.
There is no cost to attend, and a free lunch will be served. The public is invited to participate. Advance registration is required. To register and to obtain a copy of the conference program, visit:
“The United States spending $1.7 trillion on nuclear weapons over the next 30 years is igniting a nuclear arms race and is wasting resources that could go to housing, transportation, healthcare and the environment,” said Dr. Gwen Dubois, president of Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility. “What is worse, by making these weapons more usable, we risk starting a worldwide nuclear war killing hundreds of millions outright and plunging the planet into nuclear winter leading to the starvation of over a billion people.”
The chief organizers are Prevent Nuclear War Maryland, Goucher College Peace Studies, Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility and Maryland Peace Action Network.