SBLC Receives ‘Lighting The Way’ Award And $75,000 Grant


Recognized for its philanthropic contributions to Baltimore, the South Baltimore Learning Center (SBLC) was awarded a 2018 “Lighting the Way” award and $75,000 grant by the SunTrust Foundation.

The SunTrust Foundation’s Lighting the Way Awards recognizes select nonprofit organizations that strengthen their local communities through programs that help people better their circumstances and gain financial confidence.

“We’re committed to building stronger communities, and our nonprofit partners are addressing community needs in innovative and very meaningful ways,” said Stan Little, president of the SunTrust Foundation. “SBLC is improving the lives of many people, and we applaud their mission, long-term service and the impact they are making where it’s most needed.”

SBLC is a community-based nonprofit, which provides functional literacy, workforce development, life-skills training and career preparation services to adults in the Baltimore area. For nearly three decades, SBLC has provided a supportive, rigorous and transformative education to adults of all ages and demographics who are eager to learn, who are motivated to succeed and who are committed to making a difference in their lives and in those of others.

“We are so honored to be a recipient of the SunTrust Foundation’s 2018 Lighting the Way Award and a $75,000 grant,” said Tanya Terrell, executive director of SBLC. “The work we do in adult education transforms the lives of Baltimoreans every day. The grant from the SunTrust Foundation will help us to continue our mission of educating adult learners but also empowering them to succeed by securing better jobs, enhancing their life skills and personal lives, and contributing to their community.”

Established in 2008, the SunTrust Foundation is committed to supporting a wide range of financial well-being efforts through grants and partnerships with local philanthropic organizations. To date, the SunTrust Foundation has awarded more than $140 million in grants to organizations across the United States.