BGE CEO Calvin G. Butler Jr. Honored With Governor’s Champion Of Service Award


— BGE Chief Executive Officer Calvin G. Butler Jr. was awarded the 2018 Governor’s Champion of Service Award from the Governor’s Office of Service and Volunteerism at the 35th Annual Governor’s Service Awards in Annapolis. Butler was recognized for his commitment to volunteerism in Maryland.

“I am extremely grateful to be recognized by Governor Hogan, Lieutenant Governor Rutherford and Van Brooks of the Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism for exemplifying the Governor’s spirit of volunteerism,” said Calvin G. Butler Jr, BGE’s chief executive officer. “This award recognizes me, but is a broader tribute to BGE’s 3,200 employees and speaks to the dedication they demonstrate every day to make a difference in the lives of our customers.”

Exelon, BGE’s parent company, has committed $35 million to Maryland nonprofits over the last five years and our employees volunteer 30,000 hours every year in Maryland with nonprofits that serve our communities to address economic development, public safety and civic issues to help enhance our neighborhoods.

The Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism was created and appointed by the Governor in 1994 and serves as a body of ambassadors for service and volunteerism in local communities. BGE previously received a citation for volunteerism and philanthropy in 2016.

Through the use of shareholder dollars, BGE supports programs that deliver measurable and sustainable impact in areas of education, environment, community development and arts and culture. To learn more about BGE’s community investments, visit: