An evening of celebration of poetry and music


— At 8 p.m. Friday, September 1, 2017, poets Michael S. Glaser and Deanna Nikaido will join pianist Brian Ganz in a celebration of poetry and music titled “Dancing on the Fragile Edge of the World.”

The three artists will explore the capacity of poetry and music to create space for reflections and a renewal of the spirit at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis located at 333 Dubois Road in Annapolis.

Michael S. Glaser is a Professor Emeritus at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, where he served as professor of English for nearly 40 years. He also served as Poet Laureate of Maryland from 2004-2009. Deanna Nikaido is the author of two collections of poetry, including “Voice Like Water,” which was selected in the Small Press Bookwatch in 2009 by Midwest Book Review. She is also a recipient of the 2010 summer Bookinday Writing Fellowship in Tuscany, Italy and the 2012 summer fellowship in Bahia, Brazil. Brian Ganz is considered one of the leading pianists of his generation, noted for his mastery of Chopin. He has performed locally and worldwide.

A portion of proceeds from this concert will support the scholarship fund for the retreat, Bread for the Journey: A Celebration of Poetry and the Human Spirit, which will take place in October at Kirkridge. (More information available at:

“I am thrilled to welcome back these marvelous poets to the UUCA concert series,” said pianist Ganz, who is also artistic director of the series. “Michael and I have shared music and poetry with audiences together many times over the years and it is always a deeply enriching experience.”

Ganz added that he is delighted to have another opportunity to share the program with Deanna Nikaido, noting that she has a great fondness for the poetry of Rumni and is also a practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu— the ancient art of harmonizing life energy, which reflects itself inward.

Tickets are $15 at the door. For more information, visit: