The desire to inspire


Inspiration is everywhere— from daily scriptures to street art that you pass on your way to work. A lot of times you see, hear or feel something that will trigger passion and motivate you to keep going.

Inspiration is defined as a divine influence or action on a person that is believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation.

Inspiration can have a domino effect. Once something inspires you to take action toward your dreams, you may in return inspire others while doing what makes you happy.

The perfect example of this happens after listening to my favorite gospel song “No Weapon” by Fred Hammond. This source of inspiration has dug me out of some of my lowest periods reminding me that my spiritual connection is bigger than whatever battle I’m fighting at the moment. As a result, I’m able to spread those words and inspiration to other people encouraging them to keep going.

Our followers and subscribers are a tremendous source of motivation for our team, and as we go through our own struggles and times of adversity it helps us to stay and remain positive. Hey, we’re human!

The challenging part about being a part of our platform, Positively Caviar, is having to put on the brave face of positivity in the midst of adversity. What makes this easier for me is the inspiration our readers give us. The texts, direct messages, and various forms of feedback we receive helps to trigger our desire to inspire. We use this motivation as ammunition to keep going. The constant approval and trigger effect of our impact on the lives of others makes the effort we put forth worth it.

Reading is also another vital source of inspiration for me. Recently, some of my main sources of inspiration came from reading novels such as “My Voice” by Angie Martinez and “Around The Way Girl” by Taraji P. Henson. The true, life stories from successful people based on how they overcame their struggle and pushed toward success motivate me to stay on my journey to success.

Do you have trouble finding sources of inspiration? Here are a few tips toward finding more inspiration in your everyday life:

•Pay attention to nature— The breathtaking beauty of nature has a way of helping you get rid of negative thoughts.

•Spend time with someone who brings out the best in you— People have a tremendous effect on your energy and happiness. Positive vibes from others can be contagious. Spend your time with likeminded people who bring out the best in you.

•Travel— The world is a giant book. New scenery can be an excellent source of motivation. Traveling has a visceral way of feeding your soul.

•Meditation— With the hectic lifestyle that we live mediation can have a powerful effect on your mind, body, and soul.

•Read inspiring blogs— At Positively Caviar Inc., we hope to inspire all human beings to achieve their dreams and live a more prosperous life through the imperative mindset of positivity.

Ultimately, inspiration can be found in a number of ways. With all the visuals, words of wisdom, and positive people in this world it’s hard not to have a source of inspiration. It’s just as equally important to inspire others as it is to be inspired. What inspires you?

Positively Caviar, Inc. is focused on intensifying the message of positivity and optimism in our digitally centric lives in the Mid-Atlantic region. Each a month our Nucleus Team will write a column that focuses on mental and physical health tips, scientific studies, nutrition facts and stories that are positive in nature to support a purposeful and positive lifestyle. To learn more about our organization, the nucleus team or how you join our positive movement, visit: