Hundreds of Marylanders to attend “Keep the Doors Open”rally to call for increased access to critical behavioral health treatment


— The Maryland Behavioral Health Coalition will host more than 500 concerned parents, children, families, veterans and supporters during the Keep the Door Open rally in Annapolis next Thursday at noon on Lawyers Mall.

WHO: The Maryland Behavioral Health Coalition

WHAT: Keep the Door Open rally to increase access to behavioral health services

WHEN: Thursday, February 23, 12 – 1 p.m.

WHERE: Lawyers Mall in the front of State House in Annapolis, Md.


Sen. Guy Guzzone (District 13, Howard County)

Del. Antonio Hayes (District 40, Baltimore City)

Other state legislators

Children, parents and community leaders concerned about the impacts of reduced access to mental health and substance use disorder services.

The Coalition is advocating for the Keep the Door Open Act (SB 476/HB 580), which would give vulnerable Marylanders better access to critical mental health and substance use disorder services. This bill is also part of the legislative leadership’s HOPE Act (SB 967/HB 1329) to combat Maryland’s opioid epidemic.

Behavioral health encompasses the full range of both mental health and substance use disorders. More than 1 million Marylanders live with a behavioral health issue and the stigma that comes with it. View the coalition’s full legislative platform here.

Visit to learn more. Follow @keepdooropenMD on Twitter or join the conversation using the hashtag #keepthedooropenmd.

The Behavioral Health Coalition is a diverse mix of non-governmental organizations working together to ensure individuals affected by mental health and substance use disorders have high quality and accessible services for their needs. The Coalition works to improve coordination and treatment for mental health, substance use disorders and somatic illnesses. The Coalition uses advocacy and public awareness to increase the power of the behavioral health community.