Indie Soul: Ro Brooks hosts celebrity birthday bash


On Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 8 p.m. at the Oxygen Ultra Lounge, Baltimore’s very own Ro Brooks who plays Michael on the television show “The Haves And The Have Nots,” will host a celebrity birthday bash at Oxygen Ultra Lounge located at 10 South Calvert Street in Baltimore. Ro will be presented with a mayoral citation from Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake at the event.

Although Brooks is excited about the party, he is more excited to be home so that he can visit the schools in the area.

“I am from Baltimore. It’s my city and I love my city. I want to be able to come home and give back. I want people to see that you can make it and become anything you want to be but you have to put in the work,” Brooks said.

Speaking of work, Brooks has been doing just that. In between acting Brooks wrote the book, “How to Go from Extra to Actor.”

“I wanted to pass on information to help others break into show business. I have been very fortunate and I just wanted to pass on knowledge to others, Brooks said.

Brooks has also taken up the challenge in the fight against HIV by helping to bring awareness through the “Doing It” campaign with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“This is very personal for me. My sister passed away from HIV. So to be able to help others, through education is very important to me, Brooks said. “When you are a celebrity you can get more things done, so I am using my celebrity to make a difference.”

So, on the June 19th, Brooks is asking his fellow Baltimoreans to come out and celebrate with him.

You can follow Brooks on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. More information about Ro Brooks is also available at:

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