New book, “Raising Black Boys to Men: A Mother’s Guide to Raising Thugless Sons” offers tips, strategies


Patricia Joseph’s new book, “Raising Black Boys to Men: A Mother’s Guide to Raising Thugless Sons” reveals tips, strategies and a real-world blueprint for raising responsible children in a society that glorifies gang culture.

“Raising Black Boys to Men: A Mother’s Guide to Raising Thugless Sons” is a candid book of one mother’s journey: her successes, trials and errors, in raising her three boys, in a society that glorifies thug-life. Author, Patricia Joseph, who successfully navigated the lives of her three sons, through the ever-present negative influences in society, felt compelled to write about her experience in raising thugless sons. Patricia credits much of her success to just “good, ole-fashion child rearing.”

In her book, Joseph provides simple anecdotes and tips, to help mothers faced with the challenges of raising black boys. She cleverly sprinkles humor throughout the book, and provides laughter to the role of parenting. The book is a short, quick-read, which can be read in a few hours. At the end of each chapter, Patricia provides “Mom Tips,” which are little nuggets of information, for moms to reference long after reading the book.

Readers will enjoy the heart-felt emotion of Patricia’s call-to-action: “Save Our Sons.” Also, readers will come to understand the unique challenges African-American mothers’ face, with raising their boys. Patricia takes no prisoners, when she writes about the incarceration rates, and illiteracy of young, Black men. At the end of the book,

Patricia provides readers with a list of “Recommended Reading,” as a supplement to further their knowledge and increase awareness.

“From my own upbringing I was acutely aware that raising African American sons would present its own unique challenges, many of which would be forced on them by the pressures and prejudices of wider society,” said Joseph. “But I was committed to giving them the same chances as everyone else— a responsibility that would ultimately fall on me.”

Continuing, “I learned so much that I had to share it. Right now, a mother somewhere is crying over losing her son to a pointless crime, or racked by guilt at an incarceration that could have been avoided. If parents adopt the right strategies early enough, raising thugless sons is 100 percent possible and life-changing for all.”

“Raising Black Boys to Men: A Mother’s Guide to Raising Thugless Sons,” is now available for purchase at: For more information and bour Patricia Joseph or the book, visit