Rambling Rose LaFayette Gilchrist addresses life in Baltimore on new CD


Hello everyone, how are you? I am so bored and I can’t stand myself but I am alive and healthy.

I don’t normally talk about interna- tional musicians but this time I will make an exception because of his con- nection with Baltimore, and he is one of us, just as Dennis Chambers and Kim Waters are. We love them and so proud of the fact that no matter how famous or world-renowned they become, they never forget their hometown, where it all began.

I am so proud of Lafayette and appre- ciate him as a person and a musician. Okay, check this out. Lafayette Gilchrist, known worldwide as a renowned pianist, composer and bandleader has a new re- lease— a powerful double-disc where he addresses life in Baltimore, race rela- tions in America, and affairs of the heart— entitled, “NOW.” He returns to the trio format on his self-released dou- ble disc, the follow-up to last year’s crit- ically acclaimed solo piano album, “Dark Matter,” which many critics cited as one of 2019’s best jazz releases. This CD contains several lovely tunes cen- tered on affairs of the heart. One of those is the stunning “Newly Arrived,” with its entrancing melody and suspenseful ro- manticism.

Lafayette Gilchrist, acclaimed pianist and composer addresses life in Baltimore on his new powerful double-disc that will be available October 2, 2020.

Courtesy Photo

Lafayette Gilchrist, acclaimed pianist and composer addresses life in Baltimore on his new powerful double-disc that will be available October 2, 2020.

Gilchrist’s inspiration for the song was Sade’s 1988 classic tune “Love is Stronger Than Pride.” On the haunting ballad “The Wonder of Being Here,” which touches on the love that remains after a short-term romance, Gilchrist un- ravels a melody that sounds as if it was lifted from Abbey Lincoln’s songbook. Okay, this is enough, all I am saying the CD is baaaaaad!!Get it! Check it out! You will like it. I do!

Let me tell you about a group that you may or may not know about because they are not widely publicized. They are Black Professional Men, Inc. (BPM). I came across the group accidentally last year when they had a social event. Let me tell you a little about them other than the fact they have some fine specimen of men in this group. I’m just saying! Any- way, The Black Professional Men, Inc. is a non-profit organization based in Balti- more. BPM was established in 1991 to address the social, economic and political awareness needs of the African-Ameri- can community, especially young males.

The organization is a 100 percent vol- unteer organization, which participates in a variety of community service initia- tives to provide youth with exposure to different experiences and positive role models. They host seminars, workshops and field trips within the Baltimore metro area for the young men and boys that they mentor. They sponsor their mentees on cultural and educational trips, attend Baltimore Raven’s games and attend the Congressional Black Cau- cus Foundation Conference. Each year they host the Rays of Hope Scholarship Breakfast, where they award college scholarships to deserving young men.

On Saturday, October 3, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the BPM book club mem- bers will select a book to read and dis- cuss and will continue on the first Saturday of each month. Next month, the public is invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting with the topic: Black Men Book Club Join Zoom Meeting at: https://zoom.us/j701208794? d=bGlj OFZKZIFHcm1GTOR3TkVTNmp- Pdz09 Meeting ID: must wear Masked. The password is BPM.

Now look my friend, if you understand what I just typed on the above line, I take my hat off to you because I don’t understand not one damn part of it. I tell you what, do what I am going to do, go to their website: www.blackprofessional- men.org or call 443-550-1276.

Oh, by the way, the Landmark Lodge #40 “Grab and Go Crab Feast in a Bag,” (such a grand idea) will be held on Sat- urday, September 26, 2020. The menu: 11⁄2 dozen steamed crabs; pork BBQ; fried or baked chicken; Swedish meat- balls; crab soup; corn on the cob; whipped potatoes; coleslaw; green beans; two beers or two sodas. So check it out and let me know how it was.

Well my friends, I have to go now. I am out of space, but remember if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com.