Two Baltimore City high school seniors among Comcast NBCUniversal Award recipients


Comcast leaders and Achievers

Baltimore— On July 28, 2020, Com- cast NBCUniversal announced it has awarded approximately $95,000 in scholarships for the 2020-2021 school year to 38 Maryland students as part of its annual Leaders and Achievers® Scholarship Program. Students are selected for their outstanding commu- nity service, academic performance, and leadership skills.

Funded by the Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation, the award is a one-time, $2,500 scholarship to be used toward un- dergraduate education-related ex- penses. Since 2001, more than $34 million has been awarded to about 30,000 high school seniors across the country as part of the Leaders and Achievers program.

“All of us at Comcast are honored to recognize the amazing achievements of our Leaders and Achievers scholarship winners in Maryland,” said Mary McLaughlin, Senior Vice President of Comcast’s Beltway Region. “These students excel in academics and are leaders in the community and among their peers. They are a great representa- tion of our future, and we are proud to help them further their education.” “Congratulations to each of these students for receiving a Leaders and Achievers scholarship for serving as leaders in their communities and for their academic achievements,” said Maryland School Superintendent Dr. Karen B Salmon. “I’d also like to thank Comcast for helping support the educational future of our Maryland students.”

Comcast, in partnership with Dr. Salmon, created a congratulatory video, available at: 3053 and shared with all its Maryland scholarship winners. Additionally, s everal students shared their excitement around attending college in the fall, available at: /hear-from-our-maryland-2020-leaders- and-achievers-scholarship-recipients/

The Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program recognizes high school seniors for their community serv- ice, academic performance, and leader- ship skills. These scholarships are provided to give young people the opportunity to continue their education to better compete in tomorrow’s work- place. Applicants to the Comcast Lead- ers and Achievers Scholarship Program must demonstrate academic excellence, commitment to community service, and outstanding qualities in character, in- tegrity, and leadership.

The Comcast NBCUniversal Founda- tion continues the work of the foundations founded by Comcast Corporation and NBCUniversal to provide charitable support to qualified non-profit organiza- tions. The Foundation invests in pro- grams intended to have a positive, sustainable impact on the communities we serve. Its mission is to empower communities to thrive by helping to pro- vide access to technology, relevant digi- tal skills and training, and inspiring volunteerism and service. More informa- tion about how Comcast NBCUniversal supports the communities it serves is available at

Baltimore City Senior, Robin Paranilam of Mount Saint Joseph High School is among 38 Maryland students awarded scholareships by Comcast NBCUniversal as part of the corporation’s annual Leaders and Achievers® Scholarship Program. Students are selected for their outstanding community service, academic performance, and leadership skills.


Baltimore City Senior, Robin Paranilam of Mount Saint Joseph High School is among 38 Maryland students awarded scholareships by Comcast NBCUniversal as part of the corporation’s annual Leaders and Achievers® Scholarship Program. Students are selected for their outstanding community service, academic performance, and leadership skills.