Mikey’s Miracle Foundation, Inc. hosts 5th Annual Giving Campaign in support of Baltimore area cancer patients and family caregivers


Baltimore— This year is unprecedented. Our country is amid two global crises— the novel coronavirus and racial and social unrest. Unfortunately, cancer doesn’t take a break, even in a pandemic. With a mission to provide supportive resources to marginalized communities impacted by cancer, Mikey’s Miracle Foundation, Inc. seeks to raise funds and awareness on Friday, July 24, 2020,in support of our fifth annual giving campaign GiveMoreOn24.

Beginning at 12:01 a.m. and running until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, July 24, we seek to harness the collective power of ambassadors and supporters to raise funds and awareness in support our five core programs and services: meal and nutrition planning; caregiver support; appointment transportation; community outreach and education; and virtual wellness support. Amid crises, our work cannot stop, and we continue to provide support for immunocompromised patients and family caregivers, as they have been the most vulnerable during these times.

No one wants to hear, “You have cancer.” In an instant, your life is forever changed. And with that change comes stress.

Stress is a major issue in cancer patients from diagnosis, through treatment and prognosis. According to the National Cancer Institute, when people feel they are unable to manage or control changes caused by cancer, they are distressed. And it is all-the-more stressing for the patient who is already stressed by poverty. With over 3,000 diagnoses in Baltimore City annually and estimated new cases of 34,710 in the state of Maryland, Mikey’s Miracle Foundation, Inc. provides assistance to patients and their family caregivers by helping them manage daily tasks, reducing stress, and helping them spend quality time together.

GiveMoreOn24, a 24-hour online giving campaign, began in 2016 to celebrate the birthday of the inspiration behind our organization, Mikey. Although Mikey has transitioned, we continue to celebrate her life and legacy by giving life to those in the everyday fight against cancer. In this time of uncertainty, there’s a fundamental truth that gives us hope— together; we can make miracles happen.

Visit www.mikeysmiraclefoundation.org to learn more about Mikey’s Miracle Foundation, Inc., the services we offer to patients and family caregivers in the fight against cancer.