RAMBLING ROSE: Druid Hill Avenue YMCA celebrates 100 Years


Hello everyone, how are you? I am telling you this has been a hell-la-VA week! But still no live entertainment, music concerts, jazz shows or park festivals. TERRIBLE SITUATION! But, we must think positively.

Now since you know I don’t talk about politics or sports we won’t mention anything about the “White House” or anyone in it. But, I did hear that the man in charge of that house, walked over to a church in Washington, D.C. to do a photo op or something like that and he held up this Bible upside- down for whatever reason and started lying again and lightning stuck the antenna of the roof of the church and spiraled down and struck the man that was holding the Bible upside-down in front of the church and was bar-b-cued right on site. I’m just saying, that is what I heard. Go ahead and (smile), I know you want to. It’s okay because I laughed my ass off.

Renowned Baltimore photographer, Anderson Ward (with camera) celebrating 100th Anniversary of the Druid Hill Avenue, YMCA. (Pictured) J. Laws Nickens; E. Gaines Lansey; Stanley A. Waters Sr.; Eugene Costor; and Jimmy Hayes.

Courtesy Photo

Renowned Baltimore photographer, Anderson Ward (with camera) celebrating 100th Anniversary of the Druid Hill Avenue, YMCA. (Pictured) J. Laws Nickens; E. Gaines Lansey; Stanley A. Waters Sr.; Eugene Costor; and Jimmy Hayes.

I have started writing my third book, an extension of my second book, African American Community, History & Entertainment in Maryland. However, this one will be a hard back table-top book with many more photos, stories and over 18 chapters about the history of your family and friends, your community, neighborhoods, nightclubs, restaurants, and musicians, including: Caribbean families who live in America, their festivals, lifestyle, music, and costumes, etc.

This book will also include stories about historical churches; popular ministers; hospitals; schools you went to; gangsters; politicians; and all your memories from the good old days. Let me preserve your history once again. Send me your pictures by email to: or mail to: 214 Conewood Avenue, Reisterstown, Maryland 21136. The photos you send must be from the 1950s thru 1980s. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me anytime.

Okay! Now, let’s talk about a couple of fun things to do. Do you remember I wrote about one of my favorite places I like to go on Sundays? It was the Baltimore Farmers’ Market back in April’s column and because of the COVID-19 they cancelled to further notice? Well, darlings they will open this weekend. That’s right! The Baltimore Farmers Market & Bazaar is opening Sunday, June 14, 2020 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. every Sunday until December 20, 2020. The Market is located underneath the Jones Falls Expressways at Holliday and Saratoga Streets— rain or shine! You have to wear a mask or face covering and no more than four people in a group.

The Druid Hill YMCA is celebrating 100 years. The Druid Hill Y has occupied a significant place in Baltimore’s history as a symbol of opportunity. The Druid Hill Y has a rich and illustrious history that began before it moved to its current home at 1609 Druid Hill Avenue. It has played particularly a meaningful role in the development of African Americans living in and around Druid Hill during segregation and throughout Baltimore’s history, as a focal point for physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Bishop Naomi C. DuRant Radio legendary broadcaster known from the historic WEBB Radio Station and WBGR AM 860 James Brown Radio Station as well as the pastor of the New Refuge Cathedral in Baltimore passed away last week at age 80. Condolences to the Family from “Rambling Rose.” We worked together back in the day.

Courtesy Photo

Bishop Naomi C. DuRant Radio legendary broadcaster known from the historic WEBB Radio Station and WBGR AM 860 James Brown Radio Station as well as the pastor of the New Refuge Cathedral in Baltimore passed away last week at age 80. Condolences to the Family from “Rambling Rose.” We worked together back in the day.

During segregation, the Druid Hill YMCA was the only place in Baltimore where African Americans could swim at an indoor pool. As children, Thurgood Marshall, who rose to become the first African American Justice of the Supreme Court; and jazz legend Cab Calloway both lived in walking distance and learned to swim at the Druid Hill Y. Now, its home to a rich array of programs fostering youth development, healthy living and social responsibility serving the individuals, families and youth of the Druid Hill, Upton and surrounding communities now and for centuries to come. Happy 100th Anniversary Druid Hill YMCA!

Just a reminder about a couple of cancellations announced that the Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts (BOPA): Artscape 2020 has been canceled and will return in 2021. Also Baltimore’s 4th of July Celebration and Picnic at the Top is also cancelled for 2020.

Well my friends, I’ve got to go. Stay safe and please wear a mask. Next week, I will do a special column for Father’s Day. Until then, remember I love you. If you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at . UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.