Men Impact Change 5th Year Anniversary Gala


— Men Impact Change is a dynamic organization whose mission is to honor the fortitude, legacy and excellence of great men of Impact! Men that have overcome unbelievable tragedies to be the best versions of themselves.

On Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. at the Hilton-Hotel BWI, over 400 professionals will gather under one roof to honor the legacy of the late Congressman Cummings.

Fifteen 15 other dynamic men will receive this prestigious honor. The youngest honoree, 15-year-old Jerell King will receive the newly launched M.I.C Rising Star Honor.

Roland Martin has not been left behind! He will lead a powerful panel of dynamic entrepreneurs to discuss ways of Bridging the Economic Gap! Other notable guests include the former African Union ambassador to the U.S. H.E Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao; Miss United States; and several other ambassadors to U.S amongst others!

Students from Universities of John Hopkins Carey School of Business, Morgan State, University of Maryland and Howard University will also join us! Over 20 nationalities will be represented! Entertainment by Jazz Saxophonist!

The Gala is being made possible by partners like The Harbor Bank of Maryland; Action Therapy Inc.; and Gary Rahman, Your Real Estate Rock Star! The Baltimore Ravens Merchandise has been donated for auction with autographs from Ray Lewis, Jonathan Ogden & Ed Reed!

Men and women, and ages 8 and up are welcome! To reserve a ticket, visit