What You Need To Know About Interventions


Dealing with loved ones can be difficult sometimes and that only gets harder when they have a problem with drugs and alcohol. A big part of dealing with a loved one’s addiction is getting them into treatment. But what if they are unwilling to go? Intervention is the next logical step, however what is an intervention and how you pull one off?

Contrary to popular belief, successful interventions usually aren’t like the ones you see on television. Interventions that are successful usually consist of several different techniques.

The first thing is to do your research on a treatment facility. Once you get someone willing to go to treatment it is imperative that they go straight in. When someone is struggling with substance abuse they can waffle on the idea of treatment, so you must have the facility already picked out so there are no slows or stops on which facility.

Number two is building your team. An intervention can either be done by the family or by a professional interventionist. Since a lot of interventionists are ex-addicts themselves, they will have a point of reality with the addict, which may facilitate the reach for treatment. In some cases, the interventionist may decide to call in family members but will be decided by the interventionist. Make sure any family or friends who are involved are all on the same page and have the same goal— getting the addict into treatment.

With everyone on the same page, you would then bring in the addict.

Approach them kindly and at first try to get them to see how treatment will benefit them. Show them the website or brochure of where they are going. It is also a good idea to have someone ready to talk to them who is from the center to answer any questions they may have.

If this doesn’t work, you should be prepared to bottom-line them. An example of a bottom line is, “If you don’t go to treatment you aren’t staying here anymore.” If they run off and refuse to listen, do not give in. You must hold strong or they won’t take it seriously. Even if they do run most of the time they will come back and listen and then agree to go to treatment.

If you have more questions and want to find out more about getting someone into treatment, visit https://www.narcononnewliferetreat.org/blog/intervention-101.html or call 1-800-431-1754 to get help for your loved ones.