Dr. Cheryl LaRoche Lectures on Harriet Tubman, The Underground Railroad, And Baltimore


Dr. Cheryl Janifer LaRoche, Ph.D., will be speaking at “A Slice of Sharp Leadenhall,” a lecture centered around the freed and captive slaves that cohabited Baltimore before the civil war. Dr. LaRoche is the author of “Free Black Communities & The Underground Railroad.” The Baltimore Times recently had a chance to discuss just a few of the things that Dr. LaRoche may cover in her lecture. If you’re interested in hearing more, preview our teaser trailer below. The lecture will be held at Ebenezer AME Church, 20 W. Montgomery Street, Baltimore, MD 21230 on Saturday, October 19th, 2019 from Noon – 3:00 PM. Parking will be available @ Martini Lutheran Church. Contact Betty Bland-Thomas for Further Information – 443-204-7740


Dr. LaRoche on The Underground Railroad & Baltimore