Rambling Rose: Baltimore’s Pennsylvania Avenue Celebrates With Festival


Hello everyone, I am praying everything is well with you. I am sending special prayers out to my sick and shut-in fans and friends. May God continue to bless you!

Great balls of kitty-kat! Long time over-due! Historic Pennsylvania Avenue Main Street will host a Billie Holiday Music & Arts Festival for two days— Friday and Saturday, August 30 and 31, 2019 at 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue where the Billie Holiday Performance Stage is located. Entertainment will be presented from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. The music festival at the Robert C. Marshall Field will feature top performers including; Huli Shallone, a gospel group; Panama, Joe Cooper Project, The Emperors, Lafayette Gilchrist, Carolyn Malachi; the Pennsylvania Avenue Cinema screening of “Lady Sings the Blues”; Also there will be “Salute to Nat King Cole at the Arch Social Club, 2426 Pennsylvania Ave; Jazz in the Street at the Avenue Bakery, 2229 Pennsylvania Avenue featuring John Wesley; Boxing History Exhibit featuring Black Boxers at the Upton Boxing Club, 1901 Pennsylvania; ‘Spoken Words of the Youth’ at No Boundaries Coalition, 1801 Pennsylvania; “Soul of the African American Artist” featuring “Bay Bay” Williams; “A Salute to the giant, William “Little Willie” Adams” at the Capital Lounge, 1531 Pennsylvania Avenue; local and national artisans at the Avenue Market; “Sounds of the Youth” featuring Musicians Paradise at the Avenue Market; Black Ink & Baltimore’s Children Celebration featuring Black Authors and Youth Skating and Bowling at the Shake & Bake Family Fun Center 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue and so much more.

I know you are asking will I be there with my Pennsylvania Avenue book. And the answer is No! I was not invited. Terrible situation!

Moving right along, I want to say that I am so happy and proud of two of my 2015 scholarship recipients, brother and sister Ebban & Ephraim Dorsey, who are now known all over the country and have played professionally with veteran musicians and now performing for the second time with their own quintet— The Ebban & Ephraim Dorsey Quintet featuring Quincy Phillips and Mike Graham on Saturday, August 24, 2019 from 6-10 p.m. at the Caton Castle Lounge. For more information, visit: www.catoncastle.com or call 410-566-7086.

Baltimore’s own, Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship recipients, brother and sister Ebban and Ephraim Dorsey Quintet, will perform with their own band at Caton Castle Lounge, Hilton and Caton Avenue on Saturday August 24, 2019, from 6-10 p.m. For more information, call 410-566-7086

Baltimore’s own, Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship recipients, brother and sister Ebban and Ephraim Dorsey Quintet, will perform with their own band at Caton Castle Lounge, Hilton and Caton Avenue on Saturday August 24, 2019, from 6-10 p.m. For more information, call 410-566-7086

Speaking of children, check this out! This kid, Anthony Michael Hobbs is a multi-award winning actor/filmmaker whose credits include an Emmy-nominated PBS mini-series, “The Abolitionist” and films including “One Nation,”; “Naga Pixie,”; and “Agent Hollywood” was born and raised in Baltimore. He recently hosted the screening of films by and for kids at the Eubie Blake Center where attendees saw creative film projects from the United States; Australia; Russia; and Japan. The Film Festival was called the “Imagination Lunchbox International Children’s Film Festival.” Not only does Hobbs have his own production company, he is a model and motivational youth speaker. His grandmother, Eunice Moseley is my friend and co-worker, as well as a syndicated entertainment columnist. We pray for our children to continue to do good things and lead the path for other children, letting them know that no matter what part of town you come from, there is a positive way you can lead your generation to a better life other than drugs and violence. God bless all our children.

Baltimore’s own, another gifted and talented child, Anthony Michael Hobbs, the founder/CEO/President of Production of his film production company “Imagination Lunch Box,” recently hosted his screen short films by and for kids at the Eubie Blake Center. The son of Dr. Kerri Moseley-Hobbs, who is the Author of “More than a Fraction” and grand-son of Eunice Moseley, who is a syndicated entertainment columnist

Baltimore’s own, another gifted and talented child, Anthony Michael Hobbs, the founder/CEO/President of Production of his film production company “Imagination Lunch Box,” recently hosted his screen short films by and for kids at the Eubie Blake Center. The son of Dr. Kerri Moseley-Hobbs, who is the Author of “More than a Fraction” and grand-son of Eunice Moseley, who is a syndicated entertainment columnist

Well my dear friends, I have got to go now. I am out of space, but remember if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com.

My website is: www.rambling-rose.com.