Five Recommendations To Help Make It A Healthy School Year


— It won’t be long before kids head back to the classroom for the start of another school year. While you need to make sure your child has all of the school supplies they need to succeed, it’s just as important to make sure they have a healthy school year. 

Experts at Saint Agnes Healthcare recommend these five tips to help your child stay healthy:

•Visit the doctor. A check-up is a great way to make sure your child’s school year gets off to a healthy start. It’s also an opportunity to get a physical for your child, which is usually required for kids who will be playing a sport.

•Don’t skip the shots. Before your child walks into the classroom, make sure their immunizations are up to date. And don’t forget about the flu. It is recommended that all school-age children get the flu vaccine, unless they have an allergy to the vaccine or a health problem that will cause complications from the vaccine.

•Getting sleep schedules back on track. Before they head back to classroom, get your kids back on their school year sleep schedule. Start readjusting bedtimes several days or a weeks ahead of time so children can get used to getting their shut-eye earlier. Parents should also encourage kids to cut back on time spent with screens and games in the evening.

•Good food = good health. A healthy diet is the fuel children need to succeed in the classroom. Make sure your child is eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats and foods low that are low in fat and rich in protein, such as fish, eggs and beans.

•Wash away the germs. Encourage your child to wash their hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Clean hands go a long way in reducing the spread of germs and infectious diseases.