Rambling Rose: Baltimore Jazz Festival Downtown


Hello everyone, this is going to be an exciting, week. It includes a lot of fun, lots of music and entertainment. Just follow my lead.

Cassandra N. Vincent author of the book

Cassandra N. Vincent author of the book “Life is Full” (Musings on the Beauty of Life, Growth, and Love) was recently released. It serves as a guide to ask yourself what makes you happy and content each day and in that moment of our lives, despite the highs, lows, losses, and the many life experiences we go through. Her book is available at all local bookstores plus https://amzn.to/2KQ4oBK. For more information visit: www.cassandranvincent.com

Mr. White and the Astute Marketing Group LLC Promoter and Organizer of the “Baltimore Jazz Festival” are hosting this fantastic event. “The first of its kind, but promise it won’t be the last. When it comes to the essential part of entertainment history, people will often mention New York, New Orleans, Los Angeles, but forget that Baltimore has contributed to the musical landscape, especially in the terms of jazz with legends, such as James Hubert Blake, Billie Holiday, Cab Calloway, and Chick”Webb,” says Mr. White. “Yet the jazz community continues to thrive with the likes of John Lamkin, II, Kevin Jackson, Isaac Parham and Craig Alston.” The Baltimore Jazz Festival that is coming to Baltimore on Saturday, August 10 and Sunday, August 11from 12 noon until 5 p.m. looks to continue with the tradition showing off some of the best Charm City has to offer with live music, cocktails, crabs, brunch, wine tastings and a lot of fun.


Raymond “Ray” Butler, the husband of Ann Butler who owned the famous Climax Lounge located at 2432 W. Baltimore Street has passed away. His funeral was held on Tuesday, August 6, 2019. Condolences to his family.

At the “GAME” located 1400 Warner Street in Baltimore. The Jazz Festival is a musical showcase that celebrates some of Baltimore jazz legends and up and coming jazz greats. We will see you there. For more information, go to: www.baltimorejazzfestival.com or call: 443-200-4868.

Walter Carr, Jr. the son of late and famous Walter Carr Sr. known for the

Walter Carr, Jr. the son of late and famous Walter Carr Sr. known for the “Nightlifer Magazine.” Recently Carr Jr. published his own book called “Just Us.” The book is a collection of previously printed editorial cartoons in black newspapers across the country- cartoons with a black perspective on national issues and the conditions in Black America. His book signing dates are in my next columns.

Changing the subject for just a minute, I had a call from Eleanor Everett an alumnus of the Historic Frederick Douglass High School and she informed me that the Frederick Douglass Alumni Association, Inc. is currently seeking new members and striving to develop new leadership. She says that the nomination and election committee needs your support. The Historic Frederick Douglass Alumni Association is now in the process of identifying the selecting officers for the association for the next two-year term of office. The positions that need to be filled include: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and Correspondence Secretary. So folks, if you are formerly a student of this historical school and want to help, call Eleanor Everett at 410-493-6077 or 410-233-5103.

Also, my dear friends, I need to see your face at the Avenue Bakery located 2229 Pennsylvania Avenue on the corner of Baker Street on Saturday, August 10, 2019 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. WHY? You ask? Well, because I asked you to, and it’s your time to support me, and what I do. My group “Dee & Signature Live” will perform on stage at the bakery courtyard. All you have to do is bring your own folding lawn chairs and enjoy. Food and drinks including beer and wine will be available for sale. It’s free and open to the public. Donations for the band are welcome. I will be the Mistress of Ceremony for this event. Also mark your calendar for September 7, 2019, same place, same time, but featuring my other group here in Baltimore; the Greg Hatza ORGANization.

Well my dear friends, I got to go. Don’t forget to read the captions under the pictures. Remember, if you need me call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.