Memories Don’t Die


Last night, I sat at my mother’s house with my siblings and my longest friend and reminisced. We laughed and talked through everything we experienced through our childhood from our favorite teachers in high school to the memories we created growing up in our household. I found that through the good and the bad having the ability to recall and reflect brought the most joy. Memories are so important because of the emotions and nostalgia they bring.

Today, on the train I closed my eyes while listening to “Just Fine” by Mary J. Blige and was overwhelmed with happiness. I closed my eyes and automatically thought about my dad because this was his jam. When I think about him I remember his love for music, his scent, his eccentric style. I love that although all memories of him weren’t the greatest the good outweighs the bad.

When you lose someone the only thing you have left are the memories and not having the ability to create new ones leaves you to hold on tight to the ones that you do have. After someone passes, most families come together sift through old photos and laugh and reflect on all of the good times spent with that individual and the mark they made on your life. Go through life thinking about how your actions will impact others. What will they say about you when you’re no longer here? It’s important not to create wasteful memories and leave a positive imprint on the lives of others.

Dwell on all of the good none of the bad but remember it all. Sometimes when you end a long-term relationship or friendship all you can think about is the hurt or the pain you experienced, but joy comes when you’re able to look back on a situation and reflect on the good times, lessons learned, and enjoy all the great memories you had. While it’s important to never forget the negative to avoid undergoing the same kind of hurt in the future, I’m always cognizant about the decision I make to dwell in the positive. Remember the memories that allowed you to experience love and happiness as those memories are the most important.

Going through life I often think about how necessary it is to create great memories with the ones you love. I often think about the photo album I’ll be able to pop out and show my kids and grandkids of the memories built with the love of my life. When I grow old and reflect on milestones I want to be able to say I shared those moments with the people that mean the most to me. Experience life and spend your time with those who are important and bring you the most joy.

Our past, present, and future are all linked through memories. This is how traditions are passed down and future decisions are made. We often hold on to the past because it means something to us. Always make the decision to create amazing memories for they never die.

Positively Caviar, Inc. is a nonprofit organization focused on a message of positivity and optimism. Once a month, our Nucleus Team writes a column focused on mental and physical health tips, scientific studies, nutrition facts and stories that are positive in nature to support a purposeful and positive lifestyle. To learn more about our organization, the nucleus team or how you join our positive movement, visit: