Four Ways To Be A Positive Force In The Lives Of Others


Do you think you have an impact on others? The truth is we impact everyone around us everyday— both positively and negatively.

“We can make a huge difference if we become more intentional about having a positive impact on others,” said Dr. Bobby J. Grossi, a motivational speaker and author of the book Destiny is Not Hereditary: How Becoming A Better You Impacts Others. “Those who go through their lives focused on themselves and their own needs never realize the immense power they have.”

Grossi says even something as simple as opening a door for a stranger may put that person in a better mood and possibly change their interactions with others.

“Many people don’t see the full extent of the impact they make because one action can set off a chain reaction that reaches far beyond the starting point.” Grossi said. “There are many ways you can choose to be intentional about how you impact others. You also can choose to be positive and supportive rather than negative and critical.”

Grossi offers a few suggestions on how to have a more positive impact on those around you:

•Become a mentor. Sharing your skills with others will give you a sense of responsibility and pride while the receiver will be on their way to mastering something entirely new. “Someone, somewhere is keen to learn the skill you possess,” Grossi says.

•Spend time with a senior citizen. You can light up an older person’s day by spending quality time with them over a cup of tea and a nice chat, Grossi says. You also may find they have plenty of wisdom to share with you.

•Become involved in a charity. There is a charity for virtually every worthwhile endeavor. What are you passionate about? Find a charity where you can share your passion and impact the lives of others. Plus, you will meet others who are as passionate as you are.

•Change your “script.” Instead of asking “what can I get?” ask “how can I help?” “We have many programmed responses we make every day in life that are automatic,” Grossi says. “We never even think about them.” Changing your script can be as simple as saying “thank you” instead of “ok.” Small changes in your internal scripts can make a big difference not only in the lives of others, he says, but how you feel about yourself.

“Some people think they don’t matter enough to make an impact on other people,” Grossi says. “This is because they might not see the full extent of the impact they make because one action can set off a chain reaction that reaches far beyond the starting point.”

Dr. Bobby J. Grossi is a motivational speaker and author of the book Destiny is Not Hereditary: How Becoming A Better You Impacts Others. He lives in Linden, Michigan with his wife and three children. For more information about Dr. Bobby J. Grossi, visit: