Hello everyone, I am hoping everything is well with you and you enjoyed the activities in Baltimore and the surrounding counties that many organizations hosted this month. The one that stands out with me is the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Foundation of Maryland, Inc. Thurgood Marshall Black History Month Celebration that they hosted last week entitled “Voices of Triumph”.
Prince Hall Free Masonry has played an important historical, as well as a modern day role in the shaping of the African American community and experience in the state of Maryland and nationally. Prince Hall Masons were present at the conception of prominent organizations such as the NAACP and the Urban League. African American Masons organized events such as the “Freedom Now Rally” and were a significant force in the Civil Rights Movement.
“Black History Month is a time when the community can make a focused effort to reflect on the contributions and shared experiences of African Americans” said Rainier C. Harvey, Sr., 32 degree Prince Hall Foundation CEO. “Such reflections are required in order for us as a nation to continue to make advancements towards equality, access, and justice.”
Last Sunday, the Masons of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge publically honored the work that a chosen few have done and are doing on behalf of the community. I was blessed to be one of the few to receive the “Golden Trowel Award” along with Ericka Alston-Buck, Larry Young, Carl O. Snowden, and Kweisi Mfume received the “Life and Legacy Award. Held at Morgan State University in the Murphy Fine Arts Center, it was a beautiful event and I want to personally thank the Foundation Committee and our wonderful, the Honorable Emanuel J. Stanley, Most Worshipful Grand Master for including me in such a celebration. I am proud to be a member of the Eastern Stars for the past 35 years, and a sister in one of the “baddest” chapters in the order— Trinity No. 5 at Prince Hall.
Well, my dear friends, it’s about that time. I am out of space. But remember if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474, or email me at: rosapryor@aol.com. You can also send me your correspondence to 214 Conewood Avenue, Reisterstown, Maryland 21136. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.
Lou Fields presents the 6th Annual Langston Hughes Book Fair hosted by the Baltimore African American Tourism Council of Maryland at the Empowerment Temple AME Church located at 4217 Primrose Avenue in Baltimore from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Open to the public and free. For more information, call 443-983-7974.
Shirley Duncan and Lawrence Bradford invite you to their Hand Dance Workshop and Dance Classes on Tuesdays at the Zeta Center located at 4501 Reisterstown Road in Baltimore and on Thursdays at 2270 Park Hill Avenue from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Come out to experience the traditional exciting, smooth rhythm and blues style of swing dance. For more information, call: 410-523-0575 or 410-370-3439.
Marva Laws invites you to her Same Gender Love Boutique located at 339 N. Charles Street in Mount Vernon on Sunday, February 24, 2019 and every Sunday for “Mimosa Sundays” to support, socialize, shop and sip from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.