ANNAPOLIS — Governor Larry Hogan is encouraging Marylanders to recognize Black History Month, which falls during February each year. Black History Month has been a national observance since 1976, celebrating the accomplishments and achievements of African Americans in Maryland and across the nation.
“Each year, the month of February offers an opportunity to recognize and to celebrate the countless contributions of African Americans throughout our history and the lasting impact of that heritage today,” said Governor Hogan. “I encourage all Marylanders to take time to reflect on the invaluable influence of African American leaders and citizens on our state and our nation.”
Governor Hogan and First Lady Yumi Hogan will host a celebration in honor of Black History Month at Government House on February 12, 2019. Maryland has ties to some of the most influential leaders in African American history: Harriet Tubman, who led countless slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad; Frederick Douglass, the renowned social reformer, writer, and statesman; and Thurgood Marshall, the first African American to serve on our nation’s highest court. The Board of Public Works, which is chaired by the governor and includes Comptroller Peter Franchot and Treasurer Nancy Kopp, recently approved a contract to place bronze statues of Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass in the Maryland State House.
Last year, Governor Hogan proclaimed 2018 “The Year of Frederick Douglass” to celebrate this influential African American leader’s 200th birthday. On February 9, 2019, the governor will join the Banneker-Douglass Museum to close out a year of Frederick Douglass-themed events hosted by the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives, Banneker-Douglass Museum Foundation, Inc., and the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture with a Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Celebration.