Young Musician Joins The Baltimore Times Staff


In the September 1, 2017 edition of The Baltimore Times, Staff Writer Stacy Brown penned an article about a talented young artist by the name of Imani Wj Wright. The article was entitled “Baltimore music maker inspired by his father and grandfather.”

In the article, Brown noted that Wright’s song “Consistency” had been “labeled as smooth and sultry, a down-tempo song that offers up an easy-going atmosphere— fusing a bit of nostalgia with something fresh.”

This description is also applicable to Wright’s newest endeavor. The 19-year-old has joined The Baltimore Times as a Staff Writer. Wright will be bringing a fresh perspective to the storied publication, which is in its 32nd year. Wright, who says he “loves to write,” says his work will be geared towards Millennials.

According to a U.S. Census Bureau Press Release released in 2015, Millennials are “America’s youth born between 1982 and 2000.” The release also noted that Millennials “numbered 83.1 million and represented one quarter of the nation’s population.” Wright’s debut piece for The Baltimore Times has been slated for the Friday, October 12, 2018 edition.

“When The Baltimore Times called me in for an interview, I was told they wanted me to hone in on the millennial base,” said Wright, chuckling as he recalled the suit he wore and the manicure he had done in preparation for the interview. “I was very excited. I knew such an opportunity would give me a chance to expand as a writer, and to expand my intellect.”

He added, “The Baltimore Times wanted an interviewer, writer, and someone who could do videos. It was the perfect opportunity. I stumbled across something I didn’t ask for and was not expecting. I am very grateful and happy because I have been in the paper, and I have admired the paper since I was 10 or 11 years old. This is an incredible feat.”

The Baltimore native excitedly talked about what readers can expect beneath his byline.

“Readers will get a very precise, creative and musical lingo,” said Wright. “I analyze tracks and songs from a very intricate level.”

Wright describes his own music as “R&B with the feeling of Rock & Roll, Jazz and Hip Hop. His touring schedule includes performances in Lancaster, PA and Tampa, FL.

In addition to his music and writing career, Wright is also the Founder and Co-owner of “SwanoDown,” a clothing store where his clothing line “SWANO Thinking” is sold. Wright runs the company with co-owner and best friend Lucas Ballard, who serves as President of Visual Affairs.

“Our company looks at creativity from a viewpoint that is outside of just art,” said Wright. “Our three main points are idealism, virtuosity and progression. We find different ways to hone in on those three things. We do it through writing, clothing, videos, and music.”

Wright is a graduate of Sudbrook Magnet Middle School where he says he studied music and learned how to play the saxophone. He went on to attend the Carver Center for Arts and Technology, where he was voted “Male Singer of the Year”. He credits Carver Center for Arts and Technology with getting his opera career started.

Wright’s growth as a musician includes his time on scholarship at the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins, where he was honored with an “Outstanding Performance” award, and The Lyric Opera House of Baltimore, where he wrote an opera titled “Industrial Love.” His journalism experience also includes writing for Stereo Stickman, an online music magazine.

A creative force in his own “Wright”, he also spent an extensive stint at American University under the auspices of the Washington National Opera. He says the Washington National Opera also afforded the opportunity to perform at the Kennedy Center.

“I participated in really prestigious programs,” said Wright who also owns a music label. “When I reached college, I started to gain a real serious interest in the media outlet complex. I liked reading about music and entertainment. However, I was more interested in the

analytical side as opposed to the gossipy side.”

According to Wright’s bio, “through his various experiences in music, he has developed an eclectic sound that is undeniably of his unique creation.” However, his bio also notes “that as pleasing as the sound, the listener is also dually challenged to delve deeply into the music’s messages, ideas, and claims”.

Wright believes he is on the ‘right track’ to bring this ideology to youthful readers of The Baltimore Times.

“Out of performing live and seeing people wear my clothes, writing track reviews is most fun for me,” said Wright. “I enjoy the intellectual challenge of listening to a song, breaking it down and analyzing it.”

He added, “I am an artist myself, and I am always looking for originality, drive and high-quality music. The whole goal is to propel people.”

To contact Wright for story consideration or more information, email: