Girl Scout Cookie Sale Begins In Central Maryland


— Saturday, September 15, 2018, marked the first day of the 2018 Girl Scout Cooke Sale program and Girl Scouts all across central Maryland will be offering those delicious cookies everyone loves: Thin Mints, Caramel Delights, Lemonades, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, S’mores, Shortbreads and Peanut Butter Patties.

For gluten-free cookie lovers a new cookie— the Caramel Chocolate Chip with rich caramel, semi-sweet chocolate chips and a hint of sea salt— will also be available for purchase. All cookies except the gluten-free cookie are available for just $4.00 per box; the Caramel Chocolate Chip cookie is $5 per box.

In addition to door-to-door sales and booth sales (which begin October 19th), girls can also sell cookies through the Smart Cookie digital platform that allows girls to send e-cards to customers to place their order. Customers email their order back the Girl Scout and have the cookies shipped directly to them usually in two days. As a result girls gain skills in a variety of sales and customer service techniques.

When girls participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, they develop essential life skills. 2017 top cookie seller, Jenna Diehl who sold over 8,000 boxes of cookies last year and over 30,000 boxes during her 12 years as a Girl Scout said, “I believe my people, money management, goal setting and business ethics skills will help me tremendously with reaching my future goals.”

Each box of delicious Girl Scout Cookies helps power new, unique, and amazing experiences for girls. She may help the local animal shelter, or plant a community garden, go to summer camp, or earn one of Girl Scouting’s highest awards. Or, maybe she will cross the country to see the Grand Canyon, or cross an ocean for the travel experience of a lifetime. It’s up to her and her troop— they own their adventure and can select what they want to do with their cookie sale proceeds.

For more information about the cookie sale, visit or call 410-358-9711