The Braxton Brothers’ ‘Higher’ Jazz Album Rocks Superbly


It’s evident when you hear the new album, “Higher,” by The Braxton Brothers that they were born to complement each other— being twins help also. Nelson plays the bass (and lead guitar) and brother Wayne plays the saxophone.

Together they make the two sounds rock, superbly.

“He (Wayne) has a different way of looking at things,” said Nelson, when I asked what differences between the twins were musically. “He is more out the box— he is not trying to do what anyone is doing. He is fresh.”

Nelson, who has been on tour with Michael Bolton for 12 years, explains that he works with other artists so he has learned to adapt.

“I depend on that (Wayne’s out of the box style) to balance. He helps balance me,” Nelson said. “He works with other people too (Sheila E). What’s interesting is we still have the same music background.”

I think balance is a good way to describe why Wayne’s sax and Nelson’s bass (strings) work together superbly. The album also features lead guitarists Errol Cooney, Kay-Ta (LCR Music), Andy Quinn and Ryan Parrino. Both Nelson and Wayne offer skilled voices along with Joelobeack Neisler-Lebron.

“The record is made of music we made while living,” Nelson pointed out. “Music can uplift or bring them down. I hope listeners get joy from it and feel lifted from it— get up and do something. Feel inspired and loved.”

Well the “Higher” album sure had me wanting to get up and move my body. My favorite selections from “Higher” are #1 “The Only Woman in the World” because it’s upbeat and you are able to hear the great blend the two musicians create, and the lead guitar is the cherry on the cake; #3 “Back in My Arms” because it’s amazing the way that Wayne’s sax sings and Nelson’s bass dances and I love how they reach an explosive point; #5 “Something in My Heart,” because I immediately thought this song is so good that it belongs on a soundtrack; #6 “Because of You” because it has a Pop flavor added to their Jazz sound that is simplicity; #8 “Beauty” because it has a Reggae feel that makes you want to rock and the guitar strings on this is superbly done, and #11 “What Would I Do” because this time the bass sings – along with vocals that are perfectly blended.

For more information about their latest project, “Higher,” visit:

Eunice Moseley is also a Public Relations Strategist and Business Management Consultant at Freelance Associates. She is also Promotions Director (at-large) for The Baltimore Times. For more entertainment news, visit: