More than two thirds of teachers in the United States are heading back to their classrooms prepared to welcome their students, including many in Baltimore where schools are set to open on Tuesday, September 4, 2018.
This year, teachers will again have the help of Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT), an online marketplace for teacher-authored resources that equips educators with lesson plans from a single day’s worksheet to an entire year’s curriculum.
“As teachers continue to try and figure out ways to make the best use of their time and finances while still providing thoughtful lessons for their students, TpT has provided an innovative way to help them and, in the process, has created a virtual teachers’ lounge where educators can connect and share ideas,” TpT officials said in a news release.
Made for teachers by teachers, TpT provides educators with access to classroom materials to ease the financial, time and energy burdens on teachers to create or purchase resources.
The open and online marketplace allows teachers to sell their original lesson plans and other course materials to other teachers, and also share for free. The average price for a resource is less than $5 while a number of the materials are free.
“TpT helps add extra engagement to my units and lessons,” said Courtney Long, a third grade teacher at Timber Grove Elementary School in Owings Mills. “I enjoy using rotations in my lessons to allow for the students to collaborate and move as well and there are many first week resources on TpT which I use to teach routines and establish classroom rules.”
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Hayley Donnell is a first grade teacher at Hawthorne Elementary School in Baltimore City.
Hayley Donnell, a first grade teacher at Hawthorne Elementary School in Baltimore says that TpT has been a big help in getting her organized.
“TpT lets me search for specifically what I need. I sort by grade level, category, and standard, so it’s very simple to find materials that are relevant to what I need,” Donnell said. “It’s a great tool for teachers because we have so many things to plan and so little time to get it all done. It’s a great way to utilize what other teachers have created [to] save yourself some time. Also, I find really great concepts and lessons that I never would have thought of on my own, so it helps me to differentiate and make my lessons more meaningful.” she said.
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Baltimore City Public Schools 2nd grade teacher Jill Schoffler is transitioning to a general education reading position this year.
Second grade teacher Jill Schoffler in the city’s school district says she is transitioning from a special education resource room position to a general education reading position and sees TpT as welcome help.
“In the past I’ve used it to help plan lessons, to provide scaffolding support for students, supplement curriculum, and for activities and games,” Schoffler said.
“Because I will be teaching students of all levels this year, I plan to use TpT for enrichment ideas to support my higher-level students as well. “I think TpT is valuable to teachers and students because the resources you are able to find on the website are organized, fun, and useful.”
The materials and resources are designed by teachers and school employees who truly understand the content, as well as how to deliver it to students in a creative and fun way, Schoffler pointed out.
“These resources not only help teachers who need a little extra support but also keep things fun and meaningful to students. There is something for everyone on there, which makes it versatile, all while being easily accessible,” she said.