Letters To The Editor



I am very disappointed with the national Democratic Party and its candidates for the House and Senate as well as its members of the House and Senate. I think we sorely need more “Bobby Kennedys,” and I see few in sight.

We need candidates with charisma and who are warm, loving, caring, compassionate, empathetic, and who can relate to and identify with everyday Americans who suffer in life.

Research shows that most Democrats in the Congress are wealthy. They are not everyday people like, my wife and myself, and most of your readers. Most of them will never have money-worries in life like tens of millions of us do.

They won’t ever have to be scared and frightened like my wife is every time she hears that the Republicans in Congress want to cut our Social Security Retirement benefits. I just don’t see a “burning desire” to want to help those who struggle with money-worries.

Stewart B. Epstein, Rochester, New York


Re: Deja vu, all over again

Name the president whose time in office was filled with protests and violence across the nation. The same president, who under threat of being put on trial for colluding with criminals in order to disrupt the elections across the country, called on his Attorney General to halt the investigation of the case.

This action, was roundly criticized by his opponents, the press and members of his own party, as presidential overreach that threatened the democracy he had shown to regularly undermine.

Now if this scenario were presented to you during Jeopardy. it would be unfair. Until today, the answer would be “who is Richard Nixon?” Once the undisputed titleholder of most disgraceful president in the past century, but as of August 1, 2018, this same question applies to the new undisputed champion— Trump.

As the old saying goes “meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” In 1973, these actions forced Congress to push the president to resign or be removed.

In 2018, does your elected representative have the courage to do the same?

James J. Hankins, Wilmington, N.C.