Two dudes cruising down the road in a 1970s Volkswagen (VW) Surf Bus with stickers splattered all over and surfboards on top. “This must be a dream,” you think to yourself. No, this is not a dream, but then again…it is.
It’s the OOLA Dream Tour bus, and the cool dudes inside are Oola Guys: Troy Amdahl (OolaGuru) and Dave Braun (OolaSeeker) who are on a mission to change the world with a word (#Oola) by collecting 1,000,000 dreams in the form of handwritten stickers on the side of the vintage VW.
The Dream Bus is covered in hand-written dreams collected from people they’ve met on their journey. They are 43 states in on a mission to go to all 50 states, and have collected approximately 115,000 dreams.
The bus will be making a stop in Baltimore City on Friday August 31, 2018. Starting at 7 p.m., the bus will be at Barnes & Noble located at 601 E. Pratt Street.
Courtesy Photo
The OOLA Dream Bus pulls into Baltimore on August 31, 2018
“We drive 55 miles-per-hour, slow down, stop, and talk to people about their dreams,” said Amdahl. “To us, the VW Surf Bus is an icon of freedom, and ‘Oola’ is a free way of living. That bus always starts a conversation. People see the bus and immediately start asking questions about the bus. Big, fancy buses don’t start conversations. We explain the bus is about us as individuals doing better and inspiring others to do the same. We hand them a sticker, a Sharpie and slap it on the bus to collect more dreams.”
He added, “This is all about meeting people and collecting their dreams. What we’re doing takes people out of their busy lives, and reconnects them with their dreams. We all get so busy with life’s demands. We want people to think about their big dreams. We also want them to think about what would happen if their dreams came to be and transformed their lives. We have been to 43 states, and it’s been amazing.”
Amdahl and Braun are the authors of the international best-seller, Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.
Oola (originating from the word “oo-la-la”) is a lifestyle based on the book. It is defined as “That state of awesomeness,” and is achieved when your life is balanced and growing in the seven key areas of life— the 7 F’s of Oola, which are Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends and Fun.
Other works followed, and include OOLA for Women: How to Balance the 7 Key Areas of Life to Have Less Stress, More Purpose, and Reveal the Greatness within You.
“After the success of the first book, we were inspired by the positive changes people made in their lives,” said Amdahl. “People will see the bus and tell us they have given up an addiction. That’s powerful. It’s also the kind of positive change we are committed to. The success of the book also gave us funding to do this tour.”
Oola for Christians is scheduled to be released Spring 2019.
“We wanted to do Oola for Christians because The Bible has a lot to say about the seven key areas of life,” he said.
The Oola Movement has taken the country by storm. Amdahl and Braun have one million fans on social media. “We want to change the world,” said Braun. “On a personal note, I retired at 42 living these seven principles. Now, I am committed to making a difference in the lives of others. Fifty-five percent of people hate their jobs, and many marriages end in divorce. Statistically, we aren’t having fun anymore. People should make money, but not at the expense of their family.”
He added, “By removing the stress from a life out of balance, you will be able to reveal the greatness and purpose that is inside all of us. A better you, makes a better family, a better community, and ultimately a better world.”
Amdahl says he and Braun are excited about their upcoming visit to Baltimore. “Baltimore is an area we have been to personally, but not with the bus,” he said. “We are looking forward to collecting more dreams in Baltimore.”
For more information about the Oola Bus Tour and the Oola Movement, visit: