Hello everyone! How are things with you? Happy, I hope. Well, looking at my calendar, I believe it is going to be a slow week ahead…………
There is a gospel event coming up, I think it will be awesome because of the acts they will have on the program. You know me, I love my down-home gospel entertainment just as much as I love R&B, oldies, blues and jazz.
Well on this particular program, I believe it will be a whole lot of stumping your feet, clapping your hands and maybe shouting up and down the aisles. Check this out! It is the “26th Anniversary of Sparkie & the Tones of Joy” featuring Lil Rev. & the Georgia Boyz from Douglas Georgia;, Anointed Voices from Bainsburg, SC.; Spiritual Voices from Washington, DC.; Kenny Davis & the Melodyaires; The Singing Pastors from New Jersey; Sisters with a Voice Praise Team; Lil’James Price & the Men of God; The New Ebony Singers with Minister. The event takes place at 3:30 p.m. at Greater New Hope Baptist Church, 2720 W. North Avenue in Baltimore. Dr. Linwood Robinson is the Pastor. For more information, call 410-949-6687. Tell them you heard about it from “Rambling Rose” in the Baltimore Times.
Speaking of good music, Cleve Brister and the late Ruth Kirk family is still having the “Ruth Kirk Festival” on Saturday, September 1st and Sunday, September 2nd. The date was changed on them by the City for the month of August, but having the festival in September is still good.
This will mark the “24th Annual Ruth M. Kirk Family Fun Festival” on Labor Day Weekend from 12 noon until 8 p.m. on both days. Activities will include the Children’s Village; arts & crafts; games; face painting; lots and lots of food vendors. The live entertainment will includ: MC Booze; Rebirth; Marlene Ross; First Impression; Bonia’ and her group; and the Spindles. The festival will begin with a parade on Saturday around 10 a.m. starting in the 200 block of N. Schroeder Street and the 1000 blk. of W. Lexington Street, straight up to the Square entrance on N. Carey and Fayette Street. The parade will end up in the center of Franklin Square Park where the event will happen. It is open and FREE TO THE PUBLIC.
Another event coming up is “Moon Man” Show & Dance Cabaret Style” on Friday, August 17th starting at 7 p.m. Free food and a bottle of champagne on every table, free set-ups, and BYOB. You can also bring your own food. The show will feature live in-person from the Motor City of Detroit: Jr. Walkers All Star Band & Show; Detroit Ladies of Soul; Blue Magic featuring Richard Pratt’s, Ten Karat Gold Band & Show; The Panama Band & Show; and the Virtuoso Band. Sounds like a party to me! I will see you there. For more information, call Moon Man at 443-854-2771.
Well, my dear friends, I am out of space and out of time, remember if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me atrosapryor@aol.com. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.

Willie “Moon Man” Bacote, former radio personality and now promoter will host a “Big Motown Show & Dance, Cabaret Style” on Friday, August 17, show starts at 8 p.m. at the Forest Park Senior Center, 4801 Liberty Heights Avenue
Home Going Service for Leon Jones: Viewing is Friday, August 20 at Vaughn Green Funeral Home, 8728 Liberty Road from 4-8 p.m.; the Wake is Saturday, August 11, at Epworth United Methodist Church, 3317 St Lukes Lane, in Baltimore at 10:30 a.m., funeral to follow at 11 a.m. Leon Jones was a popular DJ, a Brother of Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, former Football Commissioner for Maryland Football and Sponsor with MD Ski Express. Condolences to his Family and Friends.
Happy Anniversary to Medford and Joan Campbell, my Brother and Sister of the Order in Prince Hall Mason and dear friends, may God continue to bless this special couple for many years to come.