Rambling Rose


Hello everyone! How are you? Well, I hope you’re doing fine. We have a few things coming up this week that I want to tell you about.

S.O.A.C. Media & Entertainment is hosting a “Crab Feast & Bull Roast on Sunday, July 29, 2018 featuring the New Ebony Gospel Singers at Tall Cedars Hall, 2501 Putty Hill Avenue in Parkville, Maryland from 5-9 p.m. Hey Mannnnnnnnnnn! This is different; crabs, bull roast and gospel. Check it out by calling 410-340-8879.

Liberty Live Concert this week will be Saturday, July 28, 2018 instead of Friday featuring songstress, Karen Linette and her band. The event starts at 6 p.m. til’ 9 p.m. located in the 4100 block of Deer Park Road in Randallstown, Maryland. So don’t forget your lawn chairs.

My goodness, I was told there is a new sheriff in town, in my lingo; I mean a new nightclub has been making a lot of noise lately. It is called “The One Sports Bar & Lounge,” located 4314 Curtis Avenue in Curtis Bay. They have live entertainment, too! On Saturday July 21, Greg Cooper (a James Brown impersonator) will be on stage. Show time is 8 p.m. and Big Daddy Stallings will be there on August 4. For more information, call 410-830-1077.

There is one more thing I want to talk to you about. I need your support. For all of you who consider yourselves my fans and love to read my “Rambling Rose,” column, I want to invite you to a special luncheon sponsored by the Baltimore Times and Times Community Services, Inc. that I am hosting— “Banging with the Boomers,” a party for the young at heart. It takes place on Thursday, August 9, 2018 from noon until 3 p.m. at the Promenade Dance Sport Facility located at 2605 Lord Baltimore Drive in Windsor Mill. Honey Child, you don’t want to miss this! Please come out to join me for a lot of fun with live oldies but goodies and old school music; DJ playing your favorite oldies while you enjoy a most delicious, all you can eat soul food buffet, catered by Shirley Duncan, Bring a deck of cards and play card games such as Pinochle, Spades, Bid Whist, etc. You can line-dance; hand-dance; shop from vendors and be entertained by Captain Fly & Friends. Call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com to let me know how many tickets you want. I will be waiting to hear from you. I promise you will have a fantastic time. You can pay by credit card, check or cash. Tickets are 35.00 per person or two for $60.00. I thank you for your support.

Moving right along, I have to go now, just remember if you need me, call me or email me. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.

Productions and the Swanee Quintet presents the 35th Anniversary celebration of Claude Alston & Zion Hill Singers on Saturday, July 28, 2018 at 3 p.m. with special guests Shirley Caesar and the Swanee Quintet at the Bibleway Church, 1100 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, DC. For ticket information, call Claude Sr. at 202-361-2918.

Productions and the Swanee Quintet presents the 35th Anniversary celebration of Claude Alston & Zion Hill Singers on Saturday, July 28, 2018 at 3 p.m. with special guests Shirley Caesar and the Swanee Quintet at the Bibleway Church, 1100 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, DC. For ticket information, call Claude Sr. at 202-361-2918.

Justin Lees Duo will be performing at Cassatt’s located at 4536 Lee Hwy in Arlington, Virginia featuring Aaron Clay on Bass, Nasar Abadey on drums and Justin Lees on Guitar. No Cover Charge! For more information, call 703-527-3330

Justin Lees Duo will be performing at Cassatt’s located at 4536 Lee Hwy in Arlington, Virginia featuring Aaron Clay on Bass, Nasar Abadey on drums and Justin Lees on Guitar. No Cover Charge! For more information, call 703-527-3330

Rosa “Rambling Rose” Pryor invites you to her Edmondson High School 55th Class Reunion on Friday, September 14-16, 2018. Tickets and RSVP by August 10, 2018. For more information, email: Virginia Blunt Jones at virginia2745@gmail.com

Rosa “Rambling Rose” Pryor invites you to her Edmondson High School 55th Class Reunion on Friday, September 14-16, 2018. Tickets and RSVP by August 10, 2018. For more information, email: Virginia Blunt Jones at virginia2745@gmail.com

Baltimore’s Favorite Love Child Drummer, Bobby Ward has been away from the nightclub scene for a while but he is very active. He may be out of sight but never out of mind! Bobby Ward plays every 3rd and 5th Sunday at Christ United Methodist Church located at Chase and Washington Streets, as well as the New Solid Rock Church on Reisterstown Road and Northern Parkway on the 1st and 4th Sunday. I have also added him and his Trio to my Production for bookings for private events. To book him for your event, call: 410-833-9474

Baltimore’s Favorite Love Child Drummer, Bobby Ward has been away from the nightclub scene for a while but he is very active. He may be out of sight but never out of mind! Bobby Ward plays every 3rd and 5th Sunday at Christ United Methodist Church located at Chase and Washington Streets, as well as the New Solid Rock Church on Reisterstown Road and Northern Parkway on the 1st and 4th Sunday. I have also added him and his Trio to my Production for bookings for private events. To book him for your event, call: 410-833-9474