Baltimore’s Allison Brown Is More Than just An Entrepreneur


Baltimore native Allison Elizabeth Brown has amassed more than twenty years experience in youth based, non-profit work. She has also worked professionally in the entertainment industry.

The Baltimore-born entrepreneur possesses a passion for the development of minority owned businesses and programs designed to strengthen minority youth.

At the recent Baltimore Times Access to Capital 2.0 free financial education workshop, Brown showcased her two entrepreneurial endeavors— and

“I have two companies. The first company [] is about nine years old and I personally have over 12 years of experience, specifically in branding and entertainment development,” Brown said.

At the Access to Capital 2.0 event Brown not only helped to inspire others but she says she also drew inspiration from the other participants.

“I thought the ‘Lendistry’ presentation was concise and informative. The panel consisting of lenders was exceptional as well, and I would love to see them both provide a more in-depth conversation to more experienced business owners,” Brown said.

Invited to attend the workshop by Baltimore Times Publisher Joy Bramble, Brown participated in a question and answer session featuring entrepreneurs and business people who talked about their road to success and their experiences managing personal and business credit.

Brown says she wasn’t sure what to expect when she was invited to attend and to be a participant.

“Within the first 15 minutes, it was very clear that the Baltimore Times was offering a comprehensive event for both novice and seasoned business owners that both enforces sound business practices as well as effectively disseminates what resources are available for financing business startup or growth,” she said.

At AEB Business, Brown seeks to assist startups and established enterprises to successfully communicate their distinct brand identity and mission, along with relevant campaigns to their appropriate demographic.

Specifically, she says she offers an array of services from conceptualizing to full execution, acting either as the consultant or service provider in several areas.

Her business invites shoppers to a uniquely curated world of urban fashion, glamour and style. Brown boasts more than a decade of fashion experience and industry knowledge, and in her webpage, she has created more than just a site— it’s a destination.

“I’ve brought four distinct brands together on this one site for one easy shopping experience,” she said in describing her site. “There’s something for every woman and for almost any occasion.”

Branding and fashion isn’t all that occupies Brown’s time.

For more than five years she has managed businesses for fashion virtuoso Marjorie Harvey, the wife of talk show host and comedian Steve Harvey. She has also performed work branding the southern gospel artist tour “Embrace the Change” for President Barack Obama’s initial presidential campaign

Brown, who earned a Master of Arts degree in Urban Education and is a graduate of the Baltimore School for the Arts, has also excelled in screenwriting, directing and choreography, among many other ventures.

She is the recipient of a George Soros Community Fellow grant for her extensive work in both West Baltimore and East Baltimore and has modeled under the famed Wilhelmina’s creative talent division in New York.

Through all of her accomplishments, Brown remains focused and recognizes the various challenges that entrepreneurs face, particularly those with online businesses.

“We must create live experiences that counter balance our digital marketing initiatives. It’s important in business to have both forms of marketing and not heavily rely on one,” Brown said.

“Especially because of the algorithms and other digital manipulations online business owners have to have [plus] multiple business marketing strategies to ensure that they are effectively reaching their consumer.”

When asked what advice she would give to young aspiring entrepreneurs, Brown said that it’s important they do their homework.

“Establish a network of mentors and advisors, build partnerships, practice the habit of visualizing your success on a regular basis and jot down constant strategies to get there— determine very early on to keep going no matter what,” she said.