Tree Identification Book from Arbor Day Foundation Helps People Identify Tree Species


— The Arbor Day Foundation has a book that helps people identify trees in a simple, step-by-step process. The book, “What Tree Is That?,” is available for a $5 donation to the nonprofit tree-planting organization.

What Tree Is That? is a fun, easy-to-use tree identification guide that features hand-drawn botanical illustrations highlighting the distinctive characteristics of many tree species.

Nature lovers and professional arborists alike have called this pocket field guide a must-have, user-friendly resource. Its beautiful, full-color illustrations are in precise detail and depict natural colors, shapes and textures so users can make a positive species identification in just a few easy steps.

The Arbor Day Foundation offers this book to help people identify trees throughout the Eastern and Central regions of the United States. What Tree Is That? uses a unique step-by-step approach for identifying the species of each tree, explaining what to look for in the shape and arrangement of the leaves, differences in the leafstalks and specific characteristics of fruits, flowers, buds and bark.

“Our What Tree Is That? Pocket guide is an ideal resource for developing a greater appreciation for trees,” said Matt Harris, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “The Arbor Day Foundation strives to help people enjoy and appreciate trees, and we feel our pocket field guide will do just that.”

“What Tree is That?,” is also available as an online interactive version at To obtain a tree identification guide in full color, send your name, address, and $5 for each guide to What Tree Is That?, Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Ave., Nebraska City, NE 68410. You can also order the book online at