BALTIMORE,Md. — The Kirwan Commission is working to improve public education in the state of Maryland for all students. The commission is focusing on early childhood education, college and career readiness, high quality teachers and leaders, more resources for at-risk students (students from high concentrations of poverty, special needs students) and governance and accountability.
As a resident of Baltimore City, a parent of two Baltimore City Public Schools graduates and someone working in a Baltimore City Public School, I think it’s vital that we support both the Kirwan Commission’s interim report recommendations as well as their final report that will come later this year which will include associated costs. Although Maryland had been ranked very highly in public education in comparison to other states, our ranking has fallen and our students are not getting the education that they need and deserve. All students in the state of Maryland, not just in Baltimore City, deserve and should have access to a top class education. It is incumbent on us, the citizens of the state, to support the needs of our children and thus, the recommendations of the Kirwan Commission.