Take the Aging Mastery Program® to Age Successfully


— Now that people are living many more years than their parents did, and often decades after retirement, they often find that they aren’t prepared for this gift of longevity— especially if they are also trying to balance taking care of a spouse or parent. To assist individuals with improved physical health, better financial wellbeing and more connections to their community, Baltimore County Department of Aging (BCDA) is offering The Aging Mastery Program® for Caregivers.

This 12-week program, developed by The National Council on Aging, teaches participants how to make small but impactful changes so they can develop sustainable behaviors. Classes will be held at the Pikesville Senior Center (above the Pikesville Library) from 6:30 – 8: 30 p.m. on Thursdays, beginning March 1 and running through May 24 (no class March 29). The program is only $35 for all 12 sessions, with the remainder of the cost being subsidized by BCDA.

Each class, which is facilitated by Ellen Platt of The Option Group, will be taught by experts in the fields of nutrition, exercise, advance planning, finance, falls prevention, community engagement and sleep.

According to Jill Hall, Division Chief for Senior Centers and Community Programs with the Baltimore County Department of Aging, ninety percent of participants in AMP classes taken elsewhere in the United States would recommend this class to a friend, and most have already implemented changes that have made their life better.

“Since we know that caregivers today are facing so many challenges, we thought we would start with the AMP program for Caregivers. This adds on two classes to the usual 10-week program, but we feel that the additional material related to being a better caregiver and taking care of yourself while you are caring for another were important.”

To register, call 410-887-4724. Only 35 spots are available in the spring session, so it is important to register early.