BGE Increases Reward For Recycling Appliances During February


— Appliance Recycling through the BGE Smart Energy Saver Program® helps customers recycle older, inefficient, refrigerators and freezers by offering a $50 reward, and hauling away their old appliances at no additional cost. But in February, participating residential customers will receive a fifty percent bonus for a total reward of $75 through February 28, 2018.

For some customers, a spare, running refrigerator or freezer could waste up to 1,200 kilowatt hours of energy and $100 in electric costs every year.

Through BGE’s recycling program, more than 95 percent of each appliance is recycled. By removing these older units from the energy grid and properly recycling them, BGE customers not only help reduce energy demand, but also help contribute to a vast reduction in emissions of ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases.

Since the program’s inception, approximately 63,000 inefficient refrigerators, freezers, room air conditioners and dehumidifiers have been recycled, saving more than 82.3 million kilowatt-hours of electricity use, the equivalent of removing the greenhouse gas emissions of 13,126 passenger vehicles from the road for a year.

To participate, customers can simply visit to schedule a pickup online or call 866-898-1901 to schedule over the phone. To qualify for the $75 limited time offer, customers must schedule a recycling appointment now through February 28, 2018, and have their unit picked up no later than March 24, 2018. Appliances must be in working condition and measure 10 to 30 cubic feet, which is the standard size for most refrigerators and freezers. Room air conditioning units and dehumidifiers may also be recycled through this program for an additional $25 bonus, if picked up at the same time as an eligible refrigerator or freezer.

The BGE Smart Energy Savers Program is a suite of programs that enable customers to control energy use, leading to more efficient use of electricity and lowering energy bills from where they otherwise would be. Collectively, the programs help contain the cost of energy and improve reliability. The programs also help to reduce peak demand and slow the growth in energy consumption to lessen the need for more power plants. BGE offers energy-saving solutions for renters, homeowners, large and small business customers, nonprofits and institutional customers.

For more information about BGE’s programs, visit: These programs support the EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act.