Hello everyone! One of the biggest things happening in our town this weekend is the 22nd Annual Baltimore Book Festival from Friday, September 22 to Sunday, September 24 from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. daily at the Inner Harbor. The Book Festival is Baltimore’s premier celebration of the literary arts and features hundreds of appearances by local celebrities; nationally-known authors; book signings; more than 100 exhibitors and booksellers; nonstop readings of multiple stages; cooking demos by top chefs and culinary-themed panel discussions; workshops; hands-on projects for kids; live music; (which is my favorite); and local food and beverage vendors and it is free to the public. Stop by my booth and say hello and maybe get my books autographed by me.
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The Dorsey Family, Bernadine Dorsey (center) with her two gifted and talented children in music, Ebban & Ephraim ages 11 and 12 years old saxophonists were 1st and 2nd place winners for the Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship Fund in 2015. They have traveled Baltimore Metropolitan area and Washington, DC performing with local, national and international musicians thanks to their dedicated & supporting parents.
Moving right along, there are two musically talented and gifted children among us in Baltimore— they are Ebban and Ephraim Dorsey, sister and brother jazz saxophonists, ages 11 and 12 years old, who I believe are the youngest professional musicians in the Baltimore/Washington Metropolitan area. Let me tell you about the first and second place winners at the 2015 Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship Awards.
They have been traveling non-stop every weekend to jazz venues, private events, concerts and festivals” taking the roofs off the house” with their saxophones and getting standing ovations. They have perfect pitch and a great repertoire that can keep up with best of them. Ebban and Ephraim have shared the stage with musicians, including: Gary Bartz; Warren Wolf; Lafayette Gilchrist; Robert Shahid; Carl Grubbs; Paul Carr; Reginald Cyjntie; Lenny Robinson; Herman Burney; Quincy Phillips; Todd Marcus; Craig Alston; Sam King; Blake Meister; Tim Green; Eric Kennedy; Greg Hatza; Kris Funn; Mark Meadows; David Murray; Tk. Blue; Nassar Abadey; James King; John Lamkin, Sr.; John Lamkin II; Allyn Johnson; Benji Porecki; Deante Childers; Nick Sarbanes; Earl Wilson; Carl Filipiak; Justin Taylor; and Larry Willis, just to name a few.
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William Carlos Hutchins celebrates 22 years for “Carlos Hutchins Productions” as a nightlife promoter with an “Ultimate Day Party Gala” on Saturday, September 30 from 2-7 p.m. at the Gentlemen 10 Lounge, 2135 Edmondson Avenue. For more information, call 443-963-5711. Or email wchutch@msn.com.
They have had their own gig and hired top musicians to play with them under the name “The Ephraim & Ebban Dorsey Quintet.” Thanks to their parents, especially their mother Bernadine, who keeps them on the road taking them from place to place while they live their dreams and still remain, “A+” students in Peabody. Well done my two little ones! Well done. May God continue to bless you in your travel through life and in your music career.
“The All Black Affair” takes place at the Forum Caterers on Friday, September 22 and will not only feature Norman Connors, but The Craig Alston Syndicate, a special tribute to the music of Phyllis Hyman, an after concert dance party by DJ Sugar Chris, and will be hosted by Roy Sampson and “Jazzy Tarsha.” For more information, call 410-963-9238.
The play, “Momma’s Boy” is coming to the Murphy Fine Arts Center on September 22 thru 24 on the campus of Morgan State University, 2201 Argonne Drive in Baltimore. The cast members are: Johnny Gill; Robin Givens; Nephew Tommy; Jackee; Anthony Brown; Shirley Murdock; Gary Lil G Jenkins; and Dawn Robinson. “Oh my goodness what a hell-la-va cast!” For ticket information, call 800-531-SEAT or go to: www.ticketmaster.com.
Well my dear friends, I have to go, I am out of space, remember, if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com. And my web site is: www.rambling-rose.com. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.