13-Year Old Nigerian-American accepted into Duke GIFTED program


Missouri City, TX (BlackNews.com) — Back in 2013, Noella Ukpe Roberts of Missouri City, Texas, was narrating adorable videos of her favorite folktale, Lǎo Lǎo Tóu, in fluent Chinese. Today, the 7th grade student, invited to join the Duke University Talent Identification Program’s prestigious 7th Grade Talent Search in October, has gained admission into Duke’s Summer Studies Program. She will be taking a college-level equivalent course in finance that will explore marketing, innovation and the effects that the stock market, taxes, mortgages and interest-bearing accounts have on our daily financial decisions.“

Qualifying for Duke’s Summer Studies is such an amazing opportunity. I’m hoping to gain skills in finance that will prepare me to own and operate my own animation studio one day,” said Noella.

Each year, Duke TIP identifies a group of academically talented students in the United States based on their exceptional grade-level standardized test scores. Only those who score at or above the 95th percentile qualify to participate in the 7th Grade Talent Search and to take the ACT or SAT, which are designed for college-bound eleventh and twelfth graders. Of those, only the top scoring participants are granted admission to Duke’s Summer Studies Program.

“We are so proud of our daughter,” said Noella’s father, Gabriel Emegha. “She has consistently worked hard at her academics and is extraordinarily focused and determined to make her dreams come true!”

Participants in the 7th Grade Talent Search also receive a variety of support services and gain access to research and other information about using their academic abilities more effectively.

For more information about Noella, contact Dionne Roberts-Emegha at (281) 748-7410 or visit www.NoellaCommunityImpact.com.