African-American nurse overtakes psychiatric industry — mental health care options just got better!


Los Angeles, CA ( — African-American professionals facing discrimination, looking to hire attorneys, been referred to mental health services, or expecting to be ‘made whole’ hoping equality will come through administration must pause.

During the years 2012-2016, because of white supremacy, Glennae E. Davis, a registered nurse, faced systemic discrimination at University of California Los Angeles so disturbing it sent her seeking psychiatric care. Exercising the Americans with Disability Act caused corporate marginalization so severe her and her family were without vested benefits and financial support for two years. And, because UCLA is self-insured she didn’t qualify for state disability insurance. With seemingly two options left: accept physical and psychiatric diagnosis, psychiatric and opioids prescriptions, and their treatment plans, or work like she didn’t need an accommodation all in order to receive a paycheck.

No wonder the CDC says, “Depression is the most common type of mental illness, affecting more than 26% of the U.S. adult population. It has been estimated that by the year 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of disability throughout the world, trailing only ischemic heart disease. Evidence has shown that mental disorders, especially depressive disorders, are strongly related to the occurrence… the event.” ( The event for many is conflict at work. Causing fear, depression, pain and ischemic heart disease.

Surprised at the options presented. Surprised that physician and nursing colleagues would choose to cause harm to protect the corporation. Giving Glennae a third option– stand in truth. Push past the fear, depression, and pain to up level the profession of nursing for you.

So be BOLD — discover how to make critical decisions that bring Better health, better Life, Liberty.(TM) for yourself, your community, and the nation. Reading her memoir, Yet Here I Stand, My Journey from Bondage to Liberty is your first step. Then check out her website and become a member of – It’s free!

Naesvision is a Nurse Enterprise in Media with multiple health education and health promotion products created for African-Americans to cope and survive unique mental health challenges when facing adverse corporate systems not currently addressed through traditional healthcare options.