Hello, hello, hello to all my Valentine’s Day sweethearts. I just love this time of the year because not only can the ladies get hearts and flowers for their special day with their love ones, but I Get to sell a whole lot of my books and do a lot of book signings all over Maryland. I willbe at Lexington Market on Friday; Reginald Lewis Museum on Saturday; Forest Park Senior Center onSunday; the Meyerhoff on Valentine’s Day and Mondawmin Mall on Feb. 18. We are having a ball. This is so exciting; I don’t knowwhere to start.
Now I want you to keep up with me because I will be jumping all over the place between Black History and Valentine’s Day events taking place over the next couple of weeks.
Arch Social Club on Pennsylvania and North Avenues in Baltimore is hosting a“Valentine’s Day Jazz” show featuring the “New World Outreach Jazz Orchestra on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 5 p.m. Open kitchen and cash bar. For more information,call 410-669-9856.
Forest Park Senior Center, located at 480l Liberty Heights Ave., will host a “Valentine’s Day Luncheon” on Tues., Feb.14 from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. with oldies but goodies music. For tickets or
more information, call 410-466-2124.
Zonta Club of Mid-Maryland will host a “Valentine’s Murder Mystery Dinner & Dance,” silent auction, cash bar, and door prizes on Sat., Feb. 11, from 7 p.m. to11:30 p.m. at the Country Club at Woodmore located at 1320 Pleasant Prospect Road in Mitchellville, Md. Attire: classy chic. For tickets and more information,
call 301-252-7031.
BCP Digital Printing is celebrating Black History Month hosting an “Independent & Self Published Authors Book Fair” in Center Court at Mondawmin Mall in Baltimore on Sat., Feb. 18, 10 a.m.-
4 p.m. It is free and open to the public. For more information, call 410-242-6954. Black Memorabilia & Collectible Show for Black History Month will be held on Sat., Feb. 11 at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be vendors with black memorabilia for sale, educational exhibits, verbal appraisal of black memorabilia items and autograph sessions with Negro League Baseball players; collectibles for sale include slavery artifacts, books, autographs, stamps, paintings, prints, dolls, advertisements, kitchen collectibles, coins,magazines, toys, jewelry and civil rights, political, entertainment and sports memorabilia and so much more. For information,call Lindsey Johnson at 301-649-1915.
Well my dear friends, I hate to say it, but I am out of space, but remember if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com. UNTIL