Popular black-owned restaurants


— Hello everyone. God has blessed us with another week in this new year. Hopefully for you it has started off better than 2016. This week, I want to remind you about a few popular black-owned restaurants in Baltimore serving up good food with good service.

When you are in the neighborhood, stop by the Station North Arts Café Gallery on Charles Street. If you are downtown, stop in Lexington Market and check out Connie’s Chicken & Waffle, or if you are in the Randallstown area have lunch and a cocktail at Colin’s Seafood & Grill on Offutt Road in the shopping center. No reservations required.

This is the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday weekend— MLK Day will be celebrated on Monday, Jan. 16, so many of you may have a three-day weekend. You can start by attending Celebration for the King Cabaret Day Party hosted by DJ Mike Jones & GW Productions on Jan. 16 at the Diamondz Hall, 9980 Liberty Road in Randallstown, Md. (in the shopping center). I must say, this is an unusually unique affair. The cabaret is a BYOB & BYOF event on a weekday in the middle of the day–with free setups. That’s right folks, the party is 1- 5 p.m. I hope to see you all there. I will be there with my books doing a book signing so don’t forget to bring your credit card and extra cash. Also, my dear friends bring your picnic basket with your food and favorite cocktail. Contact: 443-525-5016 or 410-227-3123.

Still celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr., there are more parties. Check out another cabaret hosted by J 4 Black Label on Jan. 15, at the Masonic Lodge, 1307 Eutaw Place (side entrance). DJ music, BYOB, BYOF, free setups. Contact: Noble Donrell Johnson 240-682-3870.

“Diversity Through Musical Harmony” MLK Celebration featuring the Maccabeats and Naturally 7 on Jan. 15, from 1:30-5:30 p.m. at the Gordon Center For Performing Arts, 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave., Owings Mills, Md. Don’t miss these two internationally-acclaimed a cappella and local play groups as they perform a spiritual, celebratory concert in tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. including their hit duo “Shed a Little Light.” For ticket information, go to www.gordoncenter.com or call, 410-356-7469.

FYI: Dr. Donna Hollie, author, and former member of the Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship Fund, Inc.’s board of directors will be featured on Maryland Public Television (MPT) on Jan. 19, 2017 8 p.m. for the Chesapeake Collectibles Show.

FYI: Just word that the Arch Social Club at Penn-North received its nonprofit status. The organization is now called the Arch Social Community Network. Contact: Kaleb Tshamba atkalebtshamba2005@comcast.net.

Well, my dear friends, I am out of space. Enjoy your weekend. Remember, if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com. Please do not Facebook me, I will not get the information.