2016 Study Ranks Best Colleges in Maryland


— In a 2016 study, the University of Maryland-University College ranked as the No. 1 college out of 40 schools in Maryland offering online classes or degree programs.

The analysis was conducted by OnlineColleges.com, a website that provides reliable information about top online colleges and degree programs by featuring school rankings, program guides and career outlooks.

UMUC focuses on educational opportunities for working adults, and most degrees offered by the college can be earned entirely online. Degree programs are available at the bachelors,’ masters’ and doctoral levels covering a wide variety of subjects. Of all the schools in Maryland that provide online classes, UMUC ranked first for the number of distance education programs it offers, with well over 100. It also ranked in the top 10 among all four-year colleges ranked for its comparatively low tuition for both in-state and out-of-state students.

To generate the ranking, OnlineColleges.com sourced data from the National Center for Education Statistics to evaluate schools on multiple criteria. These include the number of online programs the school offers, the percentage of students studying online, the average cost of in-state and out-of-state tuition, and student services, among others.

Based on the study, listed below are the top 10 schools in Maryland that offer online programs or classes:

  1. University of Maryland-University College; 2. Prince George’s Community College; 3. College of Southern Maryland; 4. The Community College of Baltimore County; 5. Chesapeake College; 6. Baltimore City Community College; 7. Hagerstown Community College; 8. Harford Community College; 9. Towson University; and 10. Coppin State University.

With OnlineColleges.com’s interactive ranking, students can also produce a personalized list that ranks schools based on the qualities that are most important to them. In addition to viewing the schools with the highest overall score, prospective students can filter schools by tuition, school type, religious affiliation, military benefits and more.

To learn more about the methodology and to see the ranking of Maryland schools, visit: OnlineColleges.com.