Open letter to our new President-Elect


— Today you are elected to lead this great nation. The campaign season is over.

As you prepare to lead us, please consider carrying with you these four questions as guidelines of the things you think, say and do for your Presidency and for your administration.

First, is it the truth? Seek the truth at every opportunity and then tell us. We can handle the truth.

Second, is it fair to all concerned? We like to be treated fairly and that one effort could lead to your reelection.

Third, will it build goodwill and better friendships throughout our country and the world? We Americans feel friendly towards others and want others to consider us friends. A smile, a conversation, listening to the aspirations of others is a step in this direction.

Fourth, will it be beneficial to all concerned? Truth, fairness, goodwill are important but please take the extra step to try to benefit all stakeholders both within this country and all over the planet.

You have earned the right to lead us and we are here to help as we also seek to live by these principles. We wish you well.

Al Jubitz is a retired businessman and founder of the War Prevention Initiative and the Rotarian Action Group for Peace. These principles are paraphrased from Rotary’s world renowned 4-Way Test.