NKF-MD to provide health information at Gospel Tabernacle Baptist Thanksgiving Service, Health Fair


— The National Kidney Foundation of Maryland (NKF-MD) will provide outreach and education at Gospel Tabernacle Baptist Church’s Survivor’s Service of Thanksgiving/Health Fair on Sunday, November 13, 2016 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Gospel Tabernacle is located at 3100 Walbrook Avenue in Baltimore City.

As part of its mission of early detection and early intervention, NKF-MD will explain why the kidneys are important, discuss risk factors for kidney disease and give recommendations for protecting the kidneys.

This information is particularly relevant to blacks and African Americans, who have an increased risk of developing kidney failure due to higher rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

“African Americans are three times more likely to develop kidney disease so it is critical for them to be aware of these risk factors and visit their doctor or clinic regularly to check their blood sugar, blood pressure, urine protein and kidney function,” said Traci Barnett, NKF-MD’s president and CEO. “We look forward to being out in the community at events like this Thanksgiving service and health fair, where we can deliver our message directly.”

For details about this event or NKF-MD’s other outreach events and kidney screenings, call 410-494-8545 or visit: www.kidneymd.org.

Serving central and western Maryland, the Delmarva Peninsula and portions of Virginia and West Virginia, the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland is the area’s only voluntary health agency dedicated to preventing kidney and urinary tract diseases, improving the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by these diseases, and increasing the availability of all organs for transplantation.

For more information, visit www.kidneymd.org.