Mikey’s Miracle Foundation helping cancer patients in Baltimore


— Jade Merritt is a shining Baltimore native with many roles. A graduate of Towson University, Merritt is a rising leader, microbiologist, creator of CharmCityPretty.com and proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

In January, Jade lost her mother Michal Merritt, affectionately known as Mikey, to cancer. Her mother’s passing inspired her to embark upon, one of her greatest journeys yet. Instead of breaking her, the death of her mother has inspired her to build a legacy in her mother’s memory.

With insight from watching and experiencing her mother’s cancer journey, Merritt turned this tragedy into triumph by starting Mikey’s Miracle Foundation, an organization with a mission dedicated to meeting the everyday needs of cancer patients.

Last month, guests gathered at the stunning Ivy Hotel in Baltimore to celebrate the official launch of Mikey’s Miracle Foundation. The foundation’s board of directors Krystle Myers, Joseph Edmonds, Arnette Dorsey and Linette Ball support the mission of the organization as an advisory council and were on hand to offer support to Merritt during the launch event.

“The best gift I could give to my mom was to be a blessing to others,” Merritt said about her desire to help other people fighting the disease.

Guests at the event participated in a silent auction, which raised funds to support the initiatives of the foundation. Bidding items included a signed Orioles baseball, a Mano Swartz fur shawl and select beauty services.

Cancer survivor, Trina Isaac, shared a moving personal story of perseverance. She serves as a reminder that no matter what challenges life presents, an individual’s perspective of the circumstances and frame of mind determines how they are impacted.

“You have to live, because Cancer is not a death sentence, you have to make memories on purpose,” she said.

Merritt’s work is dedicated to creating memories for recipients of Mikey’s Miracle Foundation outreach. This month, the organization will provide Thanksgiving meals for families with patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. This service relieves families from hectic holiday preparation and gives them free time to truly enjoy the holidays. Merritt knows the importance of Thanksgiving catering firsthand. It was provided to her family when her mother was in treatment. She was comforted when a holiday meal was sent to her home.

“I could just spend time and enjoy important moments with her,” Merritt shared.

In addition to Thanksgiving meals, the foundation provides weekly meal preparation, pastoral counseling, and transportation services for cancer patients. Chemotherapy often leaves patients exhausted so having a guaranteed ride home after appointments add some ease to the process.

Mikey’s Miracle Foundation takes a holistic approach to assisting cancer patients. The slogan “one family, one cure” encompasses the desire to not only support patients but their families too.

To learn more about Mikey’s Miracle Foundation, to volunteer or to make a donation, visit: www.mikeysmiraclefoundation.org.

Keierra Hudson (KeInTheCity.com) is a Baltimore-based blogger dedicated to showcasing the versatility of fashion and the beauty of the city one post at a time.”