The Baltimore Times held its 2016 Positive People Awards reception at the Grand on Thursday, September 22, 2016. The theme for this year was “Women of Passion, Women of Purspose.” Women from various walks of life were recognized for their boldness and passion in living their dreams and serving others.

Joy Bramble, publisher of The Baltimore Times and The Annapolis Times presented awards to these very deserving women: Yasmine Arrington, founder, ScholarCHIPS; Chere Goode, founder/CEO, Total Harmony Enterprises; Donna L. Jacobs, founder/director, Morton Street Dance Center, Inc. and artistic director of Full Circle Dance Company; Reverend Bernette L. Jones, Senior Minister, One God One Thought Center for Better Living and creator of Conscious Life Design Systems: The LifeShop; Vicki L. Jones, founder, Bahari Sisters Inc., and Bethesda Arts, Inc.; Nykidra L. Robinson, founder/CEO, Black Girls Vote; Veronica Stone-Elder, PNC Bank; and Tiffany Welsh, director, Food Access for the No Boundaries Coaltion of Central West Baltimore. Congratulations to these powerhouses!
Guests who came to celebrate another “positive story about positive people” were treated to a lovely evening of light fare and music by On Kee Band. LaTara Harris was the Mistress of Ceremony. The event was sponsored by Times Community Services, Inc. and PNC Bank