Civil and Human Rights Activists to be Honored at MLK Jr. Dinner


The 28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Awards Dinner— the largest celebration of Dr. King’s birthday in Anne Arundel County— will be held Friday, January 15, 2016 at La Fountaine Bleue located at 7514 Ritchie Highway in Glen Burnie at 6 p.m.

Among the 11 honorees who will be saluted at the event are: Anne Arundel County Councilman Chris Trumbauer for his dedication to diversity in government and bettering the educational opportunities in the Anne Arundel County; Bay Wine and Spirits owner Charles “Chuck” Ferrar for his entrepreneurial spirit, generosity and devotion to the community; Light House Board President Carol Brantley for championing the cause of the County’s homeless and less fortunate individuals, and Felicia Carroll who, after losing her only son to gun violence, has become an advocate for victim’s rights.

The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Awards Dinner in Anne Arundel County was founded in 1988 by then Alderman Carl O. Snowden. Designed to pay homage to the memory of Dr. King, the dinner honors those whose deeds, words and actions have helped to keep his legacy alive. With honorees from the county and greetings from the County Executive Steve Schuh and members of Congress John Sarbanes, Chris Van Hollen, Dutch Ruppersberger and Donna Edwards, the banquet is a reflection on the best that Anne Arundel County has to offer.

Other individuals who will be recognized for their dedication to the ideals of Dr. King include: Richard Madaleno; Samaritan House; Zina Pierre; Pastor Jimmy Rollins; Anthony Smoot; Merchelle Halsey and Dr. Angela Leimkuhler Moran.

Dinner tickets are $60 ($65 after January 13). VIP tickets are $100 and include premium seating and a private reception before the dinner with hors d’oeuvres and an open bar. The Naval Academy Gospel Choir will provide entertainment.

Tickets may be purchased by phone at 410-760-4115; by mail to MLK Jr. Committee, P.O. Box 371, Annapolis MD 21404; or on-line at