Unified Voices of Johns Hopkins presents Ursula V. Battle’s New Stage Play


A quick sell-out of advance tickets has prompted the addition of a performance on Friday, December 18, 2015 of Ursula V. Battle’s new stage play “My Big Phat Ghetto Fabule$$ Wedding.”

The highly-anticipated production presented by Unified Voices of Johns Hopkins (UV) is centered around what happens when a reversal of fortune causes a couple’s expensive wedding plans to turn into a beer bucket budget nightmare, setting the stage for the most unforgettable wedding you have ever attended. Through ministry, song, and riveting drama, the play illustrates that love truly conquers all.

Dr. Gregory Wm. Branch, director and Ursula V. Battle, playwright.

Dr. Gregory Wm. Branch, director and Ursula V. Battle, playwright.

My Big Phat Ghetto Wedding features a powerful cadre of some of Baltimore’s most talented musicians, singers, actors, actresses, and other performers. The stage play follows the highly successful DisChord in The Choir, which was presented by UV in March 2015. Written by playwright Ursula Battle, and directed by Dr. Branch, the sold-out production drew rave reviews.

In addition to DisChord in The Choir, Dr. Branch has also directed multiple stage play productions including The Teachers’ Lounge, A Raisin in The Sun, Dreamgirls, Spelling Bee, Steel Magnolias, Ain’t Misbehavin’ and Little Shop of Horrors. Dr. Branch also serves as the director of Health and Human Services of Baltimore County.

In addition to My Big Phat Ghetto FABULE$$ Wedding and DisChord in The Choir, Battle’s stage play productions include The Teachers’ Lounge, The Crown of Glory & The Agony of Deceit, and For Better Or For Worse.

Battle is a journalist, public relations professional and CEO of Battle Stage Plays. She is also a staff writer for The Baltimore Times.

Founded in 1993, UV is a gospel choir that consists of a diverse group of people with different personalities, lifestyles and backgrounds working together to bridge the gap between the medical institution and the historic East Baltimore community. Under the direction of Dr. Branch, who is executive director and co-founder, the choir has remained a goodwill ambassador singing songs of hope, health and healing through harmony at Hopkins.

Show times for “My Big Phat Ghetto FABULE$$ Wedding” are Friday, December 18, 2015 (7 p.m.) Saturday, December 19, 2015 (2 p.m. and 7 p.m.); and Sunday, December 20, 2015 (5 p.m.) in Turner Auditorium, located in the Johns Hopkins Hospital Ross Research Building, 720 Rutland Avenue in Baltimore. Tickets are $20 in advance. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door for $35. Proceeds to benefit Unified Voices.

For additional information or tickets call Unified Voices at 410-955-8888, or email: uvofjhmi@aol.com or visit www.unifiedvoices.com. You can also call Battle Stage Plays at 443-531-4787 or visit www.battlestageplays.com.