Baltimore commemorates World AIDS Day with citywide candlelight vigils


In Baltimore City, one in forty two people are HIV positive and the number continues to grow. Local, state and regional organizations want to change that trend and are campaigning for a “Getting to Zero” initiative— ZERO AIDS related deaths; ZERO new HIV infections; and ZERO stigma and discrimination.

This year, numerous non-profits, churches, government agencies and community groups will gather in and around Baltimore on December 1, 2015, World AIDS Day, to hold a candlelight vigil between 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. at various locations through the city listed below:

Chase Brexton Health Care, 1111 N. Charles Street, Baltimore

Celebration of Community, 10 E. Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore

Institute of Human Virology-JACQUES Initiative

725 W. Lombard Street, Courtyard, Baltimore

Coppin State University-College of Health Professions

2500 W. North Avenue, HHSB 125E, Baltimore

Notre dame of Maryland University

International Pharmaceutical Student Federation

4701 N. Charles Street, Baltimore

Baltimore Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc

2501 Springhill Aveue, Baltimore

For more information, go to or call 410-327-3420, ext. 11.