Ravens launch Emoji keyboard


— Capitalizing on the explosive global use of emoji, the Baltimore Ravens have launched a customized, Ravens-branded emoji keyboard designed to work across any iOS or Android device.

“The Ravens constantly strive to find new ways for fans to engage with our brand,” said Michelle Andres, Ravens Senior Vice President of Digital Media & Broadcasting. “We are one of the first NFL teams to develop an emoji keyboard because we know it will spur social shares for unprecedented fan engagement.”

The keyboard is compatible with virtually any mobile messaging app or social network, giving fans the ability to send more than 80 emoji and stickers to friends and family. The keyboard is available for download in Apple’s App Store and Google Play.

Access the keyboard here: http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/mobile.html

“As one of the first teams in the NFL to make customized emoji available to its fan base, the Ravens are leading the charge when it comes to the best way to engage fans with fun and spirited content that they can share with friends, family and social networks,” said Evan Wray, co-founder and vice president at Swyft Media. “Emoji keyboards are the equivalent of digital swag that diehard fans can carry with them wherever they go to represent the team they love. Swyft is very excited to be on the ground floor of what will be a growing and evolving way for forward-thinking organizations like the Ravens, as they discover and implement new ways to connect with their fans and followers through cool and interesting branded mobile content.”

The Ravens are also one of the first NFL teams to partner with Twitter to utilize the Twitter Mirror, which provides fans an enhanced Twitter experience. The Mirror gives fans a fun, behind-the-scenes look at player, coach and fan selfies that can be visually modified and Ravens-themed.